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T Alexander a:t alexander|k:in (alexander) (6)
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T, Alexander
T, Joseph Alexander voL
T, Alexander John
T, Nathan Alexander
ROBERTS, Alexander and DOflALDSO!T, James
T, kit ErEre Alexander Barby Wichart
Author: T (Alexander)
saoT (Alexander), Poet. The Poems of Alezander Soott. Edited... by A. Karley Donald. London, 1902. 500 LONDON. [III. iiscol1aneous Institutions, Societies, etc.) Early Raglish Text Sooie. [Publicatione.] tra Series. E5. I’
Card ID: 209
Author: T (Joseph Alexander voL)
JOITQti H”EB!’T (Joseph Alexander voL),COLfl. Throuch the British Empire. [Translated from the (ierman.J With a map. 2 vole. [L.I.2 B°. London, l386
Card ID: 264
Author: T (Alexander John)
MAcKIzIE-s1UA1T (Alexander John). See SIUART (Alexander John Zckenzie), Hon. I,rd lackenzie Stuart.
Card ID: 272
Author: T (Nathan Alexander)
Y1 Sco SWrT (Nathan Alexander). The Broken center: studies in the theo1oica1 horizon of modern literature. (The Wilhiini Lyon Phelps Lectures, 1965.) pp. xv. + 237. 8°. Nej Haven and London, 1966.
Card ID: 551
Author: ROBERTS (Alexander) and DOflALDSO!T (James)
[Y1 11 LRJ r::, ROBERTS (Alexander) and DOflALDSO!T (James). hnte—Nioene Oliristian Library, etc. [Oontinued.2 3. The WriUngs of Tatian and Theophilus, and the Olénientine Recognitions. Translated br B. P. Pratten, U. Dods and T. Smith. pp. (8) + 485. B—L.JJ. j SO Edinburgh;’ 1868 ‘.. tAnot,her copy. I IH.C.] 1iOR7
Card ID: 13
Author: T (kit E5rEre Alexander Barby Wichart)
CROiT (kit E5rEre Alexander Barby Wichart). German foreign policy before tlie war:: the. 1907 memorandum’ofS±ç E.Crowe, tç.. London,.[1934j. Q LONDON. [III... iLtso.ellaneous. institutions, :o@etics,: :ids of Euroje. Friends, of. Europe publications. No. i6.
Card ID: 38