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SYMONDS, John Addington
Author: SYMONDS (John Addington)
\ SYMONDS (John Addington)1 he Younger. In the key of blue and other prose essays. (Third edl.tion.) pp. (8) + 302. 80. London and New York, ‘g1
Card ID: 86
SYMONDS (John Addington), the Younger. Many moods: a volume of verse. pp.ix. + 254. 8°. London, 1878
Card ID: 90
SYMONDS (John Addington), the K Problem in Greek ethics: being an inquiry into the phenomenon of sexual inversion, addressed especially to medical psychologists and jurists. pp. viii. + 73.. 8°. London, privately printed, i908.
Card ID: 92
1SLja - STERLiNG LIBRARY REFEREE vilY SYMONDS (John Addington), th Yowgr. See CELLINI (Benvenuto), the Artist. The Life of Benvenuto Cellini, written by himself. Edited and translated by J.A.Symonds, New Y.orç, 1906.
Card ID: 102
1 SYMONDS (John Addington), the Younger. 1-053 See WEBSTER (John), Dramatist. Webster & Tou.rneur. With an introduction and notes by J.A.Symonda. Unexpurgated edition. London and New York, 1893. ccr [Another edition.] London and New York, [1903] [Another copy.) %(I. Cc.Ttt C/CcQ [Another edition.) se f 2 London, 1948.
Card ID: 109