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SWIFP, Jonathan
Author: SWIFP (Jonathan)
qice crkj ‘-j( SWIFP (Jonathan), çan of St. Patrick’s. [Letters.] The Correspondence of Jonathan Swift. Edited by H.Williams. 5 vols. Portraits and facsimiles. 0 8 . Oxford, 1963—65. 1. 1690—1713. 2. 171+—1723. 3. 172..-1731. )+. 1732—1736. 5. 1737—17)5.
Card ID: 385
YK S974 971 SWIFP (Jonathan), Dean of St. Patrick’s. [Gu].liver’s Travels,] Guiliver ‘a travels. • An authoritative text, nevly edited by Clauston Jenlcins. With an introduction and supplementary materials selected by Donald Greene. p). xxvii, 35I, New York, 1971.
Card ID: 400
SWIFP (Jonathan) Dean of St. Patriok’a. [A Tale of a Thb — Appendix.j See GUTEIELOff (A .C . I.) Swift’s ‘Tale of a Tub’, etc. Oarnbridpe, [l9l.J
Card ID: 421