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SWEET John a:an john|k:to (john) (11)



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    Author: SWEET (John)


    SWEET (John). [For works relating to “True relations Qf sundry conferences...By A.C. [A Catholic, i.e. John Sweet?Ju:] C., A.

    Card ID: 230

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    Author: STATON (John Frederic)


    PLxrtj(P) 1311 STATON (John Frederic). Sweet singing in the choir: a handbook of choral technique...With a foreword by Sir E. Lacznilian. pp. ix. + 133. Dagrain. 8°. Toront, 1951.

    Card ID: 181

  • card

    Author: No Author available


    PR [Bc — English Association.] HACKE’IT (Sir John Winthrop). Sweet uses of adversity: an experience. tonJon, 1974. See LONDON. [III.] English Association. [Presidential addressesJ, 1974.

    Card ID: 420

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    Author: No Author available


    PR [BC — English AssociatiDn.) lONDON. [III.] English Association. [Presidential Addresses.) 1974. Sweet uses of adversity: an experience. ([B Sir John Hackett.) pp. 1?. London, 1974.

    Card ID: 407

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    Author: No Author available


    Malcolm Morley - Collection SOMERSET (Charles A.) Home, sweet home: an opera. in two acts. Adapted from the original German. n. d. DICKS (John). Dicks’ Standard Plays, 296.

    Card ID: 308

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    Author: JELL (Edward)


    Ps7 LS7C, CAPflJELL (Edward) DD. see mm (William), ArcWoishop of Canterbury. A Relation of the conference between Wiuiam laud, late Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, and Mr. Fisher the Jesuit...With an ansver to such exceptions as, A.C. [a Catholic, i.e. John Sweet?] takes against it (in ‘True relations of sundry conferences’]. With a preface by Edvard Cardweil. Oxford, 1839.

    Card ID: 462

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    Author: LAUD (Wi1lia)


    Ps ‘-j L37G LAUD (Wi1lia), Archbishop of Canterbury. A Relation of the conference between Wlfliam laud, late Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, and Mr. Fisher the Jesuit...With an answer to such exceptions as AC. [a Catholic, i.e. John Sweet?] takes against it [in ‘True relations or sundry conferences’]. With a preface by Edward Cardweil. pp.zocxii, 336. Oxford, 1839.

    Card ID: 11

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    Author: No Author available


    4:- . 9.9zQovi4J). - FISHER (John), pseud. [i.e. John PIERCY.) § LAUD (William), Archbishop of Canterbury. A Relation of the conference betweene William Laivd, then Lrd. Bishop of St. Davids, now Liord Arch—Bishop of Canterbury, and Mr. Fisher the Jesuits ..,Wjth an answer to such exceptions as A.C. La Catholic, i.e. John Sweet”] .take against it [in “True relations of sundry conferences, iichard Beder: London, 1639. P 7 -———[Another edition.) With a preface by ‘rdweil. Qxford, 1839.

    Card ID: 159

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    Author: No Author available


    • - C’--- c-L’J-,. it 1rLct.-.’ — C., A. True relations of sundry conferences...Ey A.C. [A Catholic, i.e. John Sweet?] An Appendix containing an answer to some • vnthruthes, objected by D. White and D. Featly, against M. Ftshers Relations) or writings. pp. 73—86. tD.-L.L.] 4 . [Published by 1.I., t. Omer, 1626]. Catalogued from the cption. Wanting the-rest of the volume. - Bound in a volume lettered: The 1ist. of K.Iaiues the 2. T715 & other pam.

    Card ID: 78

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    Author: No Author available


    st. F• ec C., A. True relations of sundry conference8, etc. See LAUD (William), Archbishop of Canterbury. * A Relation of the conference betweene Willirn Lawd, then 3rd. Bishop of St. Davids, now Lord Arch-Bishop of Canterbury, and Mr. Fisher the Jesuit...With an ans:er to such exceptions as A.C. [a Catholic1 i.e. John Sweet?] takes against it [in ‘True relations of sundry conference&’ Richard Badger: London, 1639. [Another editio 1J4I. ‘reface by Edward PS1 Cardweli. Oxford, 1839.

    Card ID: 79

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    Author: LAUD (William)


    ‘I LAUD (William), Archbishop of Canterbury. A Relation of the conference betweene William Lawd, then Lrd. Bishop of St. Davids, now Lord Arch-Bishop of Canterbury, and Mr. Fisher the Jesuite...With an answer to such exceptions as J.C. La Catholic, i.e. John Sweet?] takes against it tin ‘True relations of sundry conferenced’], . pp. (24) + 388. fol. Richard Badger: ondon, 1639.

    Card ID: 10