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SVIFT Jonathan a:e |k:e (or) (4)



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    Author: SVIFT (Jonathan)


    (Jii1)E L’ f•’ SVIFT (Jonathan), Dean of St. Patrick’s. [Works.] The Works of Jonathan Swift...oontaining additional letters, tracts and poems not, hitherto published, with notes and a life of the author by Sir W.Scott. Second edition. 19 vols. Portrait. 8°. London, 1883—64. Editjo limited to 770 copies. 1. Memoir. 2—3. Journal to Stella. Tracts, etc. 4—. Tracts historical and political. 6—7. Tracts relatr tr [See next card.)

    Card ID: 357

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    Author: SVIFT (Jonathan)


    9 •ii— D )‘I\ SVIFT (Jonathan), Dean of St. atrick’3. o11ectionE verse.1 The Poems of Jonathan Swift. Edited by H. Williams, 5 vols. Facsimiles. 8°. Oxford, 1937. The pagination is continuous throughout. sciiC Second edjtjone 3 vols. csiuiiies. 8°. Oxford, 1958.

    Card ID: 379

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    Author: SVIFT (Jonathan)


    i4icaJr 79 SVIFT (Jonathan), Dean of St.Patrick’s. [A Tale of a Tub.] Tale of a tub...To ich are added, an Account of a battle between the ancient and the modern books in St.James’s Library and a Discourse, concerning the mechanical operations o1 the spirit. With the author’s apology and explanatory notes by W.Xotton and others.. .nbellished with.. . engravings. (Life of Swift,) (Cooke’s Pocket Edition of Select Novels.) pp. (4) + 44 + 216. 12. London, [1798]. V.’itha second, engraved, titlepage.

    Card ID: 415

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    Author: SVIFT (Jonathan)


    t”WPo SVIFT (Jonathan), Dean of St. Patrick’s. j.Miscellaneous Single n Enquiry into the behavior of the orks. Queen’s last ministry. Za.ited by I.Ehrenpreis. [With a bibliograpby.] (Indiana University Publications. Humanities Series, 36.) pp.xliii. + 109. Facsimile. 8. B1oominton, 1956.

    Card ID: 426