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SUZUKI Daisetz Teitaro a:p |k:p (will) (4)
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SUZUKI, Daisetz Teitaro
Author: SUZUKI (Daisetz Teitaro)
SUZUKI (Daisetz Teitaro). Manual of Zen Buddhism. (The. Ataka Buddhist Library, VIII.) pp. x. + 232. P1ates arid Illustrations. 8°. Kyot.o, 195.
Card ID: 252
PR SUZUKI (Daisetz Teitaro). Studies in the Lanicavatara Sutra, one of the most important texts of Mahayana Buddhism, in whioh almost all its principal tenets are presented, including the teaching of Zen. pp. xxxii. + 464. Frontispiece and folded table. 0 8 . London, 1930.
Card ID: 253
am Hill Suz SUZUKI (Daisetz Teitaro). The Zen doctrine ol’ no-mind: the sigiificance of the sUtra of Hui-neng (Wet-Lang)... Edited. bY C. Humphreys. (Second inrpression.) pp. 159. London, 1970.
Card ID: 255
DEPQSl7oR4 SUZUKI (Daisetz Teitaro). en und die Kultur Japans...Ubertragen und eingeleitet von Otto Fischer. pp. 268 + (2) P]ats. 8°. Stuttgart nd ber1, 1941.
Card ID: 256