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STY Leo Nikolaevich sty (leo nikolaevich) (1)



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    Author: STY (Leo Nikolaevich)


    3x33Q T65A 928 Reference only - LOI,STY (Leo Nikolaevich), Count. [Works.—English,j (The Works of Leo Tolstoy.) (Tolstoy Centenary Edition.) 2). vole. Portraits and lates. 6°. London, l92S-37. 1. The Life of olsty: first fifty years. B A. Maude. Iwith a bibliography, preceded by a review of the iork by G. B. shaw.] Vol. 1. 2. The Life of To].st6y: later years. By A. Maude, with an introduction by G. R. Noyes [and a bibliography). Vol. 2. [S’NET CARD:-)

    Card ID: 363