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EY, John
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Author: STUDLEY (John)
STUDLEY (John). See BANG (Ii11y). Materialien zur Kunde des 1teren englischen Dramas, etc. 38. Studley’s translations of Seneca?s Agamemnon and Medea. Edited from the octavos of 1566 by E. 1. Spearing. Louvai, 1913.
Card ID: 373
STUDLEY (John). WHIBLEY (C.) The Tud.or translations. Second Series. Edited by C. Vbib1ey. Vole. 1)., 12. SENECA (L. A.) Tragedies.—Eng1ish.) Seneca., his Tenne tragedies. (The Fourth.. • entituled. Hippolytue... The Seventh...entituled Medea... The Eighth...entituled. Againemnon, translated out of Latin into Englishe by J. Studiey.) London and New York, 1927.
Card ID: 376
Author: EY (John)
L2 STUDI3EY (John). See BALE (John), Bishop of Oory. [Acta Romanorum Pontificim. —Englisb. The Pageant of popes: contayninge the lyues ot’ all the Bishops of Rome, from the beginnine of them to the yeare of grace 1555...ritten in Latin’by Maister Bale and now Englished with sondrye additions by 1.6. (loirn Studley). [Thomas Marshe: Londoni, 1574.
Card ID: 372
Author: No Author available
13 ° F ‘.C. STUDLEY (John. See MANCHESTER. Senser Society. Ipublications.: 43, 44. The Tenne tragedies of Seneca. Translated into English. [Hippolytus, Medea, Agamemnon, Hercules Oetus by J.Studley.] [anchester] printed, 1887.
Card ID: 374
Clfr.2. . .,. • BALE (John), Bishop of Ossory. [Acta Romanorum Pontificium.— English. I The Pageant of popes: contayning the 1yues of all the l3ishops of Rome, from the beginninge of them to the yeare of grace 1555... Vritten in Latin by Maister Bale and now Englished with sondxye additions by 1.3. (Iobn Studley). ff.(20) + 198 [or rather, 197] + (2). Tab1es 40• LThomas Liarshe: London], 1574. f.9 has been omitted in the foliation. [Another copy.J Ixnperfect wanting f.iQ4 nthe 1at two aves.
Card ID: 190