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STUART Lady Louisa a:in john|k:in (john) (3)



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    Author: STUART (Lady Louisa)


    ( CW STUART (Lady Louisa). Notes by Lady Louisa Stuart on “George Selwyn and his contemporaries” by John Beneage Jesse. Edited froi the original manuscript by W.S.Lewis. Iwith a list of Lady Lsa Sb.iartt published work. I (Mis cellaneou sAnt i quities, 4.) pp. xiii. + 65. Portrait and facsimile. 8°. New York and London, 1928. Wo.241 of 500 cies.

    Card ID: 525

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    Author: JESSE (John Heneage)


    9 (‘Pjj - JESSE (John Heneage). [Ceorge Se1.yn nd his Contemporaries.— en.] See STUART (L Louisa). - Notes by Lady Louisa Stuart on “George Selwyn and his conteiporaries” by John Heneage Jesse. Vi.S.Lewis. New Xork_ancl London, 1928.

    Card ID: 143

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    Author: LEWIS (Wilmarth Sheldon)


    cLL Ic LEWIS (Wilmarth Sheldon). See UART (Lady Louisa). - notes by Lady Louisa Stuart-on “George Selwyn and his contemporaries” by John Heneage Jesse. Edited from the original manuscript by W.S.Lewis. New York and London, 1928.

    Card ID: 435