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STUART John a:on sir john-|k:an (sir john) (22)



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    Author: STUART (John)


    C 14-i STUART (John), LL. SIIP8ON (Sir James Y.), art. Archaoiogiea1 essays...Editea by J. Stuart. Edinhurg, 1872.

    Card ID: 515

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    Author: MILL (John Stuart)


    MILL (John Stuart). A system of logic. etc. rContiriied.] LAnother edition.) (Sir John Lubbock’s Hundred Books, 15.) pp. 571 br rather 573). London, 1692 [1691]. [SEE 1’TiXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 242

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    Author: L (John Stuart)


    MH1L (John Stuart). An Examination of Sir William Hamilton’s philosopby, etc. [Continued.) h.P. 2.90 John Stuart Mill on the philosophy of Sir Win. Hamilton. [A review by G.Grote of Mill’e An Examination of Sir William Hamilton’s philosophy.’ The Westminster Review, January 1, 1866.] pp. 1—39. [G.G.] 8. [London], 1866.

    Card ID: 230

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    Author: HILL (John Stuart)


    I€ HILL (John Stuart). [An Examination of Sir Wil1ia Hamilt)i’a Philosophy. - Appendix.] See McCOSII (James). Philosophical papers. I. Examination of Sir srI. Hamilton’s logic. II. Rev0.y to Hr.Hill’s third edition, etc. London, 1868.

    Card ID: 231

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    Author: E (Sir John)


    SM’fll{E (Sir John). Certain discourses military...Edlted by J.. )Iale. (Fo1er DDcunlents of Tudor and Stuart Civilization.) po. xcviii. +120. 80. Ithaca, N.Y., 196b.

    Card ID: 289

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    Author: MILL (John Stuart)


    :4f%,Cl ‘ MILL (John Stuart). [An Exariination of Sir William Ha.milton’s Philosophy. — Appeidix.] See MASSON (David). Recent British philosophy: a review, with criticisiis, including omc comments on NrJ’lifl’n answer to Sr William Iamilton. London1 1865. —— Third edition, with an additional chapter. r4 London, i8.

    Card ID: 232

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    Author: MILL (John Stuart)


    MILL (John Stuart). (itei çbA’j See MANSEL (H..L.) Dean of St. Paul’s. The Philosophy of the conditioned: comprisig soce remarks on Sir W. Hgnilton s Philosophy and on Mr. J.S. Mill’s Examination oi that philosophy. London and New York, 1866.

    Card ID: 261

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    Author: ELLERMAN (Sir John Reeves)


    j ELLERMAN (Sir John Reeves),Bart. and scorr (Terence — Charles Stuart Morrison—). Checxlist of Palaearctic and Indian mammals, 1?bo to 194b. London, 14151. See LONDON. [III. Miscellaneous Institutions, Societies, etc.] British Museum. Department or Zoology.

    Card ID: 380

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    Author: MILL (John Stuart)


    92 MILL (John Stuart). An Examination of Sir William Hamilton’s philosophy and of the principal ph1osophical ques— tions discussed in his writings. pp. viii. + 560. [De M.J ‘.fl1[’S L5RARY 0 8 . London, 1865. ‘ ii IAnother copy.1 E-CJ ?27 —Tird edition. pp. xvi. + 633. I 80. IpfldQi, 1867. bECS. —Sixth edition. pp. xvi. + 650. 8°. Indpn, 1889.

    Card ID: 229

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    Author: MILLS (John Stuart)


    I ‘ 770L MILLS (John Stuart). Secret votin and Par1iamen+ary reform. tA review of J. S. Mill’s Thoubts on Parli&nenfary reform, and Sir J. Walsh’s The Practical results of the Reform Act of 1832. From the Edinburgh Review, July 16O.J pp. 286—293. 8°. tinbur, 1860.] Bound in a volume lettered tracts: Political.

    Card ID: 239

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    Author: TAYLOR (Sir Henry)


    YW / T26A / 877 TAYLOR (Sir Henry)1 2’Z.M.G. The Works of Sir Henry Taylor. 5 vo1. n, 1877-1883. 1. Philip van Artevelde: a dramatic romance...A new edition. 1883. 2. Fdwin the Fair. tsaac Comnenus. 1877. 3. The Virgin widow; or, a. Sicilian sunirner. St.L.lement’s Eve. The eve of the conquest, and other poems. 1878. 4. Notes from life1 The statesman. 1883. 5. Critical essays on poetry. Crime considered in a letter to the Right Hon. W.E.Gladotone. Review of John Stuart Mill’s work on ‘The subjection of women’. Correspondence with John Stuart Hill. 1878.

    Card ID: 309

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    Author: ERSKINE (John)


    ERSKINE (John), Mar. The Earl ot Mar’s Legaoies to Scotland and to his son. . .1722—1727. Edited. • .with a biographical introduction arid notes, by the Hon Stuart Erslcine. . EDINBURGH. Sóottith History Sooietr. fPublioatiózas.J 26. Diary of Sir Arobibald Johnston, g.. pp. 139—247. Ecjinburh. 1898.

    Card ID: 53