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STRATTON Arthur a:l e|k:e (or) (4)
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GARNER, Thomas and STRATTON, Arthur
Author: STRATTON (Arthur)
•Y2_ STRATTON (Arthur). Elements of form & design in classic architecture, shown in ecterior & interior motives collated from fine buildings of all time on one hundred plates. (With short bibliographies.) pp. 239. Frontispiece and ili.ustrations. [P.M.L.J 0 4 . London, 1925.
Card ID: 26
L STRATTON (Arthur). The English interior: a review” of the decoration of English homes from Tudor times to e ZIXth century. pp. xzwiii. + 86. Plates. [P.M.L.1 foL. London [l92O.1
Card ID: 27
STRATTON (Arthur). ___ aiui CT.) and STRATTON (A.) The Dcnestia arohiteoture of Fn.g1and during the Tudor Period, eta. London, 1911..
Card ID: 28
Author: GARNER (Thomas) and STRATTON (Arthur)
sL GARNER (Thomas) and STRATTON (Arthur). The Domestic architecture of England during the Tudor Period. Illustrated in a series of photographs & measured drawings of eoun.tiry mansions, manor houses and smaller buildings. With historical and descriptive text. 2 vols. £P.M.L. I fol. London 191t. ‘- _Lb,i3 —Second edition, revised and en1az&d. ‘2vo1s. EPd’.L.] fol. London, [1929.]
Card ID: 365