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STRANGE Guy a:juan juan|k:juan (juan) (5)
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Author: STRANGE (Guy)
I , 4j ) LE STRANGE (Guy). Palestine under the Moslems: a description of Syria and the Holy Land. from A.D. 650 to 1500, Translated from the works of the mediaev&. Arsb eograpbers...Witb maps and. illustrations. pp. cxii. + 604. 80. London, 1890.
Card ID: 201
LE STRANGE (Guy). LONDON. [III. üece11aneous Institutions, Societies, Palestine Pilgrimst Text 3ociet. The Library of the...Societr. Vol. 3. Description of Syria...Br uiacidasi... TranslateJy C. Le Strange. London, 1896.
Card ID: 204
LE STRANGE (Guy). PALMER (E.H.) A Concise dictionary of the Persian language, etc. (A Concise dictionary, English—Persian, together with a simplified grammar of the Persian language...Completed and G.Le Strange, etc.) London, 1931, 1930.
Card ID: 206
tE STRANGE (Guy). See ULUGH BEG, afterwards Doii. JTJAN, de Persia. Don Juan of l’ersia...Translated and. edited., with an introduction, by G. I.e Strange. London, [1926.)
Card ID: 207
1% I LE STRANGE (Guy). - TI,}Q5 (Antonio_cle). El Abencerrje1a hitoria dAbindarraez y la herniosa Jarifa. [Withaia introduction by G.Le Strange.) Cambridge, 1939.
Card ID: 208