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STOPES Charlotte Carmichael a:in thomas|k:thomas (for) (4)



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    Author: STOPES (Charlotte Carmichael)


    1-01 STOPES (Charlotte Carmichael). Shakespeare’s sonnets edited by Thomas Tyler. [A review.) pp. 20. 8. [London? 1890). Catalogued from the caption. Bound in a volume lettered: Papers on the Sonnets.

    Card ID: 72

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    Author: STOPES (Mrs Charlotte Carmichael)


    STOPES (Mrs Charlotte Carmichael). Why does Shakespeare’s ‘Hamlet’ differ from the ‘Amleth’ story of Belleforest? [Reprinted from the Transactions of the Royal Society of Literature, vol.XXXIII.J pp. 34. 8° [pnciqi, 1915]. Catalogued from the wrapper. ?r.e5enttiofl copy from the authOr.

    Card ID: 75

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    Author: STOPES (i& Charlotte Carmichael)


    P S [Ckj STOPES (i& Charlotte Carmichael). See LONDON. [III. Miscellaneous Institutions, Societies, yiSociety of Literature. Transactions, etc. (New series.) Essays by divers hands, etc. Vol. 10. pp. 77—.107. (Charlotte Carmichael Stopes: some aspects of her life and work. By P.S. Boas. A bibliographLcal list of the writings of Charlotte Carmichael Stopes. Compiled byG. Murphy.) London, 1931.

    Card ID: 78

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    Author: STOPES (Marie Charlotte Carmichael)


    R55 L STOPES (Marie Charlotte Carmichael). A New gospel: a revelation of God uniting physiology and the religion of man, delivcred to the bishops in session at Larnbeth. pp. 15. {London, 1920. Bound in a volume lettered: Lanibeth Con— ferenc 1920. ficitil Papers, etc.

    Card ID: 86