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STIMSON Frederic Jesup stimson (frederic jesup) (3)
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STIMSON, Frederic Jesup
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Author: STIMSON (Frederic Jesup)
STIMSON (Frederic Jesup), King Noanett: a story of Old Virginia and the Massachusetts Bay,. pp. xv. + 327. Plates and man. 8°. Boston [Massi, 1896. Presentation copy, signed by the author.
Card ID: 94
STIMSON (Frederic Jesup), My story: being the [imaginary] memoirs of Penedict Arnold, late Major—general in the continental army and Brigadier—general in that of His Britannic Maesty...With portraits and a map. pp. viii. + 2) + 622. 0 8 . New York, 1917.
Card ID: 96
Author: No Author available
‘RJ.b STIMSON (Frederic Jesup). The American constitution: the national powers, the rights of the states, the liberties of the people. Lowell Institute Lectures. Delivered at Boston, October—November, 1907. pp. (8) + 29. Folded plate. 8°. New York, 1908.
Card ID: 92