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STILLINGFLEET Edward a:mackenzie j george|k:mackenzie ( george) (5)
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Author: STILLINGFLEET (Edward)
f P87 S83A 709 STILLINGFLEET (Edward), Bishop of Worcester. The Works of. • .Dr. Edw. Stilhingfleet.. late Lord Bishop of Worcester. Together with his life and character [by Richard. Bentley]. 6 vols. Portrait. fol • London, 1710, 1709-10.
Card ID: 22
STILLINGFLEET (Edward), Bishop of Woicester. Origines sacr or, a Rational account of the grounds of Christian faith, as to the truth and divine authority of the Scriptures pp. (36) + 619 [or rather, 615]. tS.R..] 4° London, 1662. The numbers 5O—O8_are omitted from the pagination, but the text is complete.
Card ID: 27
STILLINGFLEET (Edward), Bishop o1 Worceter. The Unreasonableness of separation: the second part; or, a Further impartial account of the history, nature and pleas of the present separation from the communion of the Church of England. Begun by E.Stiflingf].eet. Continued from 1640 to 1681 Iby TLong]. With special remarks on the life and actions of Richard Baxter. pp.(8) + 167. 8. London, 1682.
Card ID: 29
STILLINGFLEET (Edward), Jhop of Worcester. See DAHRENDORF (Walter). Lockes Kontroverse mit Stillingfleet mid ibre Bedeutung ftir seine Stellung zur ariglikanischen Kirche, Hamburg, 1932.
Card ID: 30
F:a I Qi STILLINGFLEET (Edward), Bishop of Worcester. (J • MAcKENZIE ( George), Lord Advocate. The Antiquity of the royal line of Scotland farther cleared and defended, against the exceptions lately offer’d by Dr.Stillingfleet, in hIs vindication of the Bishop of St.Asaph. Londor, i686.
Card ID: 33