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STILES Ezra a:c !ct|k:c(’c) (4)
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NETT, ezra Stiles
Author: STILES (Ezra)
STACK ‘ AT STILES (Ezra). Extzaots trorri the itineraries arc1 other zniscella&es of Ezra Stiles, 17?3.-1794, ‘with a seleot.ion from his oorrespoaienoe. Edited, F. B. Dexter. pp. vi. + 620. DIarsrns. 0 8 • Nw Havp, 1916.
Card ID: 498
r c-i-i STILES (Ezra). The Literary diary of Ezra SUles...President of Yale College. Edit.ed, F. B. Dexter. 3 vols. Plates and plans. 8°. Lrk lOl.
Card ID: 499
STILES (Ezra). Plan f a university: a proposal addressed to the Corporation of Yale College, 3 December i777, and now firát publLshod by the Fellows of Pierson College as a tribute to Gordon S. Haight, Master of the College. pp. xiv. + 21. 80. Nwave [Coun.], 1953. publication No. 3Q of the Detrnent of the Itoof MedLcine_of Yale Uriversjty.
Card ID: 500
Author: NETT (ezra Stiles)
GA1NETT (ezra Stiles). See GANNETT (,V.C.) Ezra Stiles Gannett, Unitarian 1!inister in Boston, 1824-1871: a memoir by his son. Boston [JIass.], 187.
Card ID: 523