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STIEGLITZ Julius a:c “|k:c(c) (2)



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    Author: STIEGLITZ (Julius)


    •Eo8lTOaT STIEGLITZ (Julius). The Element1s of qualitat4ve chemical analysis, with special consideration of the application of the laws of equilibriuni and of the modern theories of solution. (First edition, reprinted.) 2 vo].s. Diagrams. 8. New York, 1919—20. 1, Parts 1-2. Fundamental principles and their applioation. 2, Parts 3-4. Laboratory mnual,

    Card ID: 340

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    Author: STIEGLITZ (Julius)


    STIEGLITZ (Julius). Tn Relations of equilibrium between the carbon dioxide of the atiosphGre and the calcium sulphate, calcium carbonate, and calcium bicarbonate of water solutions in contact wjt,h it. See CHAMBE?Lm (T. C.). Contributions to cosmogony and the fundamental problems of geology. The tidal and other problens. pp. 2J—. 23-264 Washinon, 1909.

    Card ID: 341