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STEVIN Simon a:i maurice|k:is (maurice) (5)
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Author: STEVIN (Simon)
L “1 c°fcu’j -jI, i CCO%AO STEVIN (Simon). Les uvres nathenatiques de Simon Stevin de Bruges, ou sont inser4es le inemoires - niathematiques, esquelies s’est e3erc4. le Prince Maurice de Nassau...Le tout reveu, corri4, & augmenté par A.Girard. 2 parts - in 1 vol.’amand tbies, [De M.J 1ol. ChezBoneventiire & Abraham Elsevier: Lyden, 1654. De Thouts copy with his arms on the binding. No. 55 in “Historical and armorial bookbindinzc exhjited in l-h Library.”
Card ID: 549
) LG i::-”•t STEVIN (Simon). Problematvm geometricorvm, In gratiam D. Maximiliani...editorum, libri V. pp. US + (2). Diagraju. [DeM.J 4°. Aud I. Bellerum: Antwerp, [1583).
Card ID: 551
- ‘ STEVIN (Simon). Tomus primus ntheix.ticorum hypomnematmu, de cosinogrsphia, etc. (Tomus secundu.s.. .de geometriae praxi. — Tomus tertius. . .de optica. - Tomus quartus.. .d.e stat ica. - Tomus quintus - d.e misceilaneis.) (Translated from the Dutch by W.&ieilius.) vols. in 2. Diagrams and tables. (DeM.] fo].. Leyden, i6o8 16o5-o8. This set is without the genera). titlepage, on which the trans].ator ‘S name is given as ‘Wil. Sn.’ These volumes were damaged in an air- raid In November 1940. Three autograph letters from J.T.Graves to Augustus De Morgan, relating to Stevin ‘s works, were bound at the end of Vol .1, but have been removed to the au ;er coilection (A.L.353/1-3).
Card ID: 552
- 1•_) STEVIN (Simon). [Appendix.] Simon Stevin et M. Duinortior: lettre {esieiirs do 1Aoadnu.e des Sionoes et Be1ies—Léttxes do Brixé [Attributed to . van do Weyr). pp. 148. [De M] 12°. T’ieu1Dort, 1845.
Card ID: 554
STEVIN (Simon). )ASE1ES (ii’.) Tracts on the resolution of affected a1gebráic) equations, etc. (An xp1ication of S. StevThTh general rule to extract one root out of any possible equation in nt1mbers...By J. Icersey.) London, 1600.
Card ID: 555