
Search Term (count):

STEVENSON Lionel a:it john|k:be (john) (4)



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    Author: STEVENSON (Lionel)


    YML Rya STEVENSON (Lionel)1 See RYAIS (Clyde de L.) Nineteenth-century literary perspectives: essays in honor [and in memory] of Lionel Stevenson. Edited by Clyde de L. Ryals, with the assistance of John Clubbe and Bjamin Franklin Fisher IV. [with a bibliography ot Lionel Stevenson’s publications.] Durham, N.C., 197l.

    Card ID: 305

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    Author: RYALS (Ciyde de L)


    YN1 Rya RYALS (Ciyde de L) Nineteenth-century literary perspectives: essays in honor [and in memoryj of Lionel Stevenson. Edited by Clyde de L. Ryals, with the assistante of John Clibe and Benjamin Frarklin Fisher IV. [With a bibliograthy of Lionel Stevenson s publications.] pp.xxiii, 294.. ]utham, LC., l97L..

    Card ID: 536

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    Author: CWBBE (Jobn Louis Edwin)


    Rya CWBBE (Jobn Louis Edwin). See RYAJS (Clyde de L.) Nineteenth-century literary perspectives: es says in honor Land. in memory] of Lionel Stevenson. Edited by Clyde de L. Ryals, with the assistance of John Clubbe and Benjamin Franklin Fisher iv. [with a bibliography of Lionel Stevensors publications. I Durham, N.C., 1971i.

    Card ID: 89

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    Author: FISH (Benjamin Franklin)


    Il--p Rya FISH (Benjamin Franklin). See RYALS (Clyde de L.) Nineteenth-century literary perspectives: essays in honor Land in memory] of Lionel Stevenson. Edited by Clyde de L. Ryals, with the assistance of John Clubbe and Benjamin Franklin Fisher IV. tWith a bibliography of Lionel $ publications. I Durham, N.C.., l97i.

    Card ID: 57