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STEVENS James a:an james|k:0847 (18)



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    Author: STEVENS (James)


    DEPOST0RY STEVENS (James), Freemasofl. The Evolution of syuzbollo masonry.. .Wit.h additional notes and oomrnent,s...Seoond edition. pp. viii. + 34. [TI. 0.] $3 Londo 1892.

    Card ID: 117

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    Author: GOX (James Stevens)


    GOX (James Stevens). A History of Ilohester, the ancient county town of Somerset, . (lichester .Fstorical nograpbs Nos. 1-ic.) pp. xiw. + 295. Portraits, plates, illustrations., facsimiles, maps and. plans. 8°. lichester, published by the author, 1958 19Ll.7-.58].

    Card ID: 125

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    Author: COX (James Stevens)


    COX (James Stevens). Monographs on the life of Thomas Hardy, etc. [continueTj 3. Tryphena and Thomas Hardy. By L.Deacon. With account of an interview between J.S. Cox and Mrs.E.T.Broniell, Tryphena’s daughter. 1962. 4. The Domestic life of Thomas Hardy, 1921—1928. By Miss E.E.rr[itterington], Hardy’s parlour—maid, etc. 1963. 5. Thomas Hardy at the barber’s. By W.G.Mills, Hardy’sbarber, etc. 1963. 6. Thomas Hardy in his garden. By B.N.Stephens, Hardy’s gardener, etc. 1963. [SEE NEXT CARD.)

    Card ID: 128

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    Author: COX (James Stevens)


    COX (James Stevens). Monographs on the life of Thomas Hardy, etc. [Continued. J 12. Memories of Mr and !rs Thomas Hardy. By D.M.Meech, etc. 1963. 13. The RQturn of Wessex, (Thomas Hardy’s dog?. By Wessex Redivivus. 1964. 14. Hardyana: a collection of short memorabilia and other matters of Hardy interest. With an introduction by R.Curle, . 196?. [SEE NEXT CARD.)

    Card ID: 131

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    Author: COX (James Stevens)


    COX (James Stevens). kt2 Monographs on the life of Thomas hardy, 2. IContinued.] 15. Thomas Hardy as a musician. By J.V.Mardon, etc. 1964. 16. ThThome of Thomas Hardy. By .L.Evans . 1968. 17. My father’produced Hardy’s plays. By E.L. Evans , . 1961. [SEE NEXT. CARD.]

    Card ID: 132

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    Author: COX (James Stevens)


    COX (James Stevens). Monographs on the life of Thomas Hardy, etc. [Continued.] i8. Thomas Hardy and his two wives. By C. W.Homer, friend of the Hardy family, etc. 1 9rC 19. Florence and Thomas Hardy: a retrospect. By J.Scudamore/(’intimate friend of Florence), . 1964. 20. Thomas Hardy through the camerats eye, j. [H.Lea’s photographs of Hardy, with his notes for a biography.] 1961+. 21. Appreciation of ThomasJ{ardy’s works in Japan. By S.Minakawa. 1965. (SEE NEXT CARD.)

    Card ID: 133

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    Author: COX (James Stevens)


    yo 1126a ?ox COX (James Stevens). Monographs on the life (times and works) of Thomas Hardy, etc. EContinued.] 26. Some flomano—British relics found at Max Gate, Dorchester. By Mr. Thomas Hardy. With an introduction by H.S.L. Dewar. 1966. 2’?. Paupers, criminals and cholera at Dorchester in 1854. By Henry Motile. With an introduction by Stephen Dewar. 1968. ESEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 135

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    Author: COX (James Stevens)


    H26a cox COX (James Stevens). Monographs on the life,(times and works) of Thomas Hardy, etc. [Continued.] 36. Thomas Hardy’s will and other wills of his faztiily. 1967. 37. A “Melistock Quire” boy’s recollectionsof Thomas Hardy. y W.G.L. Parsons. 1967. tSE NEXT CARD.)

    Card ID: 139

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    Author: COX (James Stevens)


    LU - H2 6 a Cox COX (James Stevens). Monographs on the life (times and works) of Thomas Hardy, etc. [Continued.] 38. Hardy’s summer romance, 1867: an interpretation and a reconstruction by L.Deacon. 1967. 39. Identification of fictitious place names in Hardy’s works. By J.Stevens Ccx. 1968. (SEE NEXT CARD.)

    Card ID: 140

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    Author: COX (James Stevens)


    Yo 1126a (ox COX (James Stevens). Monographs on the life (tiDes and works) of Thomas Hardy, Entiniwd.J 40. moriea of the Hardy and H-end families. By L.M. Farris of the Hand fami1r). 1968. 41. Recollection of a visit to Thomas Hardy. By R.L. Bail. 1968. 42. Hardy’s child: fact or fiction? A note by F.R. Southerington. 1968. [SEE NEXT CARD.)

    Card ID: 141

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    Author: COX (James Stevens)


    Yo 1126a Cox COX (James Stevens). Monographs on the life (times and works) of Thomas Hardy, etc. [Continued.) 43. Thomas Hardy at Cattistock. By D.Stickiand. 1968. 44. Memories àf Thomas Mady as a ichoolboy.’ By C Lacey.• 196S. 45. Letters from Eden Phiflpotta to Mrs. F.E. Hardy. 1968. 46. Hardy’s Sturminster home. By 0. Knott. 1968. 47. The Monies and Thomas Hardy. By I. Deacon. 1968. 48. Dorchester in 1851. By J.S. Cox. 1968. [s xr cr.J

    Card ID: 142

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    Author: COX (James Stevens)


    70 H26a Cox COX (James Stevens). Nonographa on the life (times and works) of Thomas Hardy, etc. [Continued.) 2. The Library of Thomas Hardy, 0.11. [A reprint of a sale catalogue.) Edited by J.S.Cox. 1969. 3. Hardyana 2: a further collection of short memorabilia and other matters of Hardy interest. 1969. 54. Persona], traits of Thomas Hardy.r !.P. O’Connor. 1969. 55. Life ii Beajninster, the Emminster of Hirdy’s novels, 1864—1910, By A.P.Codd. 1969. [SF:E HEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 144