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DAVIES, Thomas Stephens
S, Thomas Stephens
Author: STEPHENS (Thomas)
XCTZ sr€ STEPHENS (Thomas). The Literature of the Kymry: being a critical essay on the history of the language and literature of Wales during the twelfth and two succeeding centuries, containing numerous specimens of ancient Welh poetry in the original and acoozn— panied with English translations... Second edition. Edited, with the author’s additions and corrections, by D.S.Evans. With a life of the author by B.T. Williams. pp. xlviii. + 494. Portrait. 8°. London, 1876.
Card ID: 188
Author: DAVIES (Thomas Stephens)
DAVIES (Thomas Stephens). An Algebra of ratios, founded on simple and general definitions...By H. B. Browning. IA review, by T.”S. Davies?] 1849]. BROWNING (H. B.)
Card ID: 286
t°(dJ 7) DAVIES (Thomas Stephens). Geometry and geometers. No. IV, (V). [From the London, Edinburgh and Dublin Philosophical 1agazine and Journal of Science, Vol. 35, suppl.,no 239, and Vol. 36, no. 244.] 2 parts. Diagrams. [Dela.] 8°. [London, 1849—50]. Catalogu.ed from the caption.
Card ID: 288
Author: S (Thomas Stephens)
DAVI1S (Thomas Stephens). See CO01CL1 (Sir J.) Analysis of the theory of equatibns... in a letter to T.3,Davies, with notes on some of the topics by Mr. Davies, etc. ILondon], 1848-50.
Card ID: 292
DAVIES (Thomas Stephens). See JERF{ARD (C. B.) Mathematical researches. [Continued.] —A Reply to an article [by T. S. Davies?J in ITo. 7 of the Bath and Bristol Magazine entitled A Review of “Mathematical researches, part the first, by G. B. Jerrard, B.A.” By A Friend of the Bristol College [i.e. F. W. H. Jerrard?). Bristol and Londo 1833.
Card ID: 293