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STEPHENS Edward stephens (edward) (3)
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PLUNKEPT, Edward John Moreton Drax
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Author: STEPHENS (Edward)
STEPHENS (Edward), ______. Introductory address delivered at the commencement of the twenty-first session of the Manchester Royal School of Medicine and Surgery, Pine Street. pp. 36. 0 8 . Manchester, 1845.
Card ID: 101
Author: PLUNKEPT (Edward John Moreton Drax)
‘10 (r>2 PLUNKEPT (Edward John Moreton Drax), 18th Baron Dunsany, See RAPRAY (Robert Fleming). Poets in the flesh: Tagore, Yeats, Dunsany, Stephens, Drinkwater. Cambrige, 1961.
Card ID: 276
Author: No Author available
UPSALA. egia Academia Usjensjs, Irlaendska IiisJitutet. TJpsa].a Irish studies. [Continued.] ct 3. NEJDEFORS—FRISt (Sonja). George Moore’s ° naturalistic prose. 1952. 4. BJERSBY, afterwards BRAMSBACK (Birgit M.H.) James Stephens: a literary and bibliograph ical study. 1959. 5. SETTERQUIST (Jan). Ibsen and the beginnings of Anglo—Irish drama. Vol. 2. Edward Martyn. 1Qfl. [SEE NEXT CARD.]
Card ID: 326