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STEP Edward a:e |k:on (e) (7)
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STEP, Edward
Author: STEP (Edward)
QEPOSITORY STEP (Edward). Bees, wasps, ants arid allied insects of the British Isles...”!ith...plates...and... illustrations, etc. (The Wayside and Woodland Seriesr pp. xxv. + 23. 8°. London and Nev, Yor, 1932.
Card ID: 500
bEPosnôRY STEP (Edward). British insect life a popular introduction to entomology...Third edition. pp. 264. Plates. 8°. London, 1935.
Card ID: 501
DEPOSITORY STEP (Edward). Shell life: an introduction to the British Mollusca.. .With.. .illustrations, etc. (New edition.) pp. 421. Plates. 8°. London and New York, 1927.
Card ID: 502
—- DEPOSTóai STEP (Edward). Wayside and woodland b1ossois: a guide to British wild—flowers. First (—third) series. Vath. . .deseriptions of . ..species... Revised by A.K,Jackson ([and] A.B.Jaekson). With figures.. .and...iflustrations,. etc. (the Wyside and Woodland Series.) 3ois. Plates. 8°. LLondon and New York, 1938—41. SEE NEXT CARD.]
Card ID: 503
DEPOSITORY STEP (Edward). Wayside ax woodland blossoms, . [Continued. Wild flowers of the wayside and woodland. Compiled by T.H.Scott and W.J.Stokoe.Based upon the standard work: “Wayside & woodland blossoms” by E. Step, . (New edition.) pp. 359. Plates and illustrations. 8°. London and New York, 1944b
Card ID: 504
EPGSITQRy’ STEP (Edward). Wayside and woodland ferns: a pocket guide to the Britlsh ferns, horsetails and club— mosses, etc. (The Wayside and Woodland Series.) pp. vi. + 137. Plates. i6°. London and New York, 1922.
Card ID: 505
DEPOSITORY STEP (Edward).• Wayside and woodland trees: a guide to the British sylva...With...plates and....figures, also pictorial keys of leaves and buds, etc. (The Wayside and Woodland Series.) pp. xxxviii. + 186. 8°, Londqfl and New York, 1940.
Card ID: 506