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STENTON Doris Mary a:if john|k:are (john) (4)
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STENTON, Doris Mary
NTON, DorIs Mary
Author: STENTON (Doris Mary)
(D3 STENTON (Doris Mary), Lady. ( I .L See LONDON. [III. Miscellaneous Institutions— Societies, etc,1 Pipe Roll Society. [Puolicat.,ions.] New Series. 14. The Great Roll of the Pipe for the third year of the reign of King John...Edited by D. M. Stenton. London, 1936.
Card ID: 468
STENTON (Doris Mary), § LONDON. [III. Miscellaneous Institutions, Societies, etc.] Pipe Roll Society. (Publications.] New Series. 20. The Great Roll of the Pipe for the eighth year of the reign of King John, Michaelmas 1206...Edited by D. M. Stenton. London, 1942.
Card ID: 472
STENTON (Doris Mary), Lady. Sec LONDON. [III. Miscellaneous Institutions, Societies, etc. Pipe Roll,Socie. (Publications.] New Series. 24. The Great Roll of the Pipe for the eleventh year of the reign of King John, M.ichaelmas 1209(Pipe Roil 55)...Edited by 1). hi. tenton. London, 1949.
Card ID: 474
Author: NTON (DorIs Mary)
6TiNTON (DorIs Mary), Lady. See LONDON. 1IIl.Miscel1neous Institutions, Soc ieti, etc.] Pipe Roll Society. [Publications.] New series. 16. The Great Roll of the Pipe for the fifth year of the reign of King John...Edited by D. M. Stenton. London. 1938.
Card ID: 470