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STEEVENS George a:in william|k:it (william) (6)



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    Author: STEEVENS (George)


    STEEVENS (George). [For editions: of Shakespeare?s plays edited by G.Steevens:) See SHAKESPEARE (William).

    Card ID: 107

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    Author: SAKSPARE (William)


    • 3CQN $OCIET OrY SAKSPARE (William). [Appendix — Ireland Porgeriej See BOADN (James). A Letter to George- Steevens, Esq. containing a critical examination of the papers ot Shakspeare, published br Mr.Samuel Ireland. To which are added, extracts trom Vortigern by S.W.J-Llrelandl, London, 1796.

    Card ID: 213

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    Author: IRELAND (Samuel William Henry)


    coN oc1ETY ,tIr IRELAND (Samuel William Henry). BOADEN (James). A Letter to George Steevens, Esq. containing a critical examination of the papers of Shakspeare, published by Mr.Samuel Ireland. o which are added, extracts from Vortigern (by S.W.H.Irelandj. London, 1796.

    Card ID: 659

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    Author: SHAKESPEARE (William)


    YHU IRE Har SHAKESPEARE (William). [Appendix. - Ireland Forgeries. I See HARDINGE (George), M.P. Cha].meriana; or, a Collection of papers, literary and po].itical (entitled, Letters, verses, &c. occasioned by reading a late heavy supplemental apolor for the believers in the Shakespeare papers [forged by S.W.H. Ireland], by G. Chalmers. . .Arranged and pliblished by Mr. Owen, Junior, assisted by his friend and clerk Mr. J. Hargrave). [A facsimile of the edition of 1800.] Together with Mr. Irelanda vindication of his conduct respecting the publication of the supposed Shakespeare !4SS: beiu a preface or introduction to a rep’y to the critical labors, of Mr. Ilone in his “Enquiry into the authenticitr of certain papers” by George Steevens. [A facsimile of the edition of 179& With new prefaces by Arthur Freeman.] Londor 1 &71

    Card ID: 220

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    Author: IRELAND (Samuel William Henry)


    Thu IRE Har IRELAND (Samuel William Henry). See HARDINGE (George), M.P. Chalmeriana; or, a Collection of papers, literary and political (entitled, Letters, verses, &c. occasioned by reading a late heavy supplemental apology for the believers in ‘the Shakespeare papers [forged by S.WH. Ireland], by G. Chaliners...Arrenged and published by Mr. Owen, Junior, assisted by his friend and clerk Mr. J. Hargrave). [A facsimile of the edition of 1800.] ?ogether with Hr. Ireland’s vindication of his conduct respecting the publication of the supposed Shakespeare MSS: being a preface or introduction to a reply to the critical labors. of Mr. lone in his “iquIry into the authenticity of certain papers’1, by George Steevens. [A facsimile of the edition of 1796. With new prefaces by Arthur Freen London, 1971.

    Card ID: 665

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    Author: No Author available


    SHIKESPEABF. (William). t’.’orks. 1 The Plays of Vi1Um Shakspeare, cciirate1y printed from the text of the corrected copies left by the late George Steevens and Eimorid lialone. With Mr. Malone’s various readings, a selection of exp1natory and historical notes, from the rnot e!uinent comientators, a histoi4y of the stage [by E.Malone] and a life of Shakapeare. By .Chalmers. A ne edition. 8 vols. Portiit. 8°. Lonöoii, 1826.

    Card ID: 68