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STEAD William Thomas a:j e|k:on (e) (7)
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STEAD, William Thomas
Author: STEAD (William Thomas)
DEPOSITORY STEAD (William Thomas). London County Council election 1892: the elector’s guide. A popular hand—book for the election. Edited by W.T.Stead. pp. 100. Portraits and maps. 8°. [London, 1892].
Card ID: 310
STEAD (William Thomas). The Passion Play as it is played today at Ober Ammergau in 1890...Gerinan and English text of Passion Play- in parallel columns...lllustrated from original photographs, etc. pp 30. Portraits. illustrations, map Wand tables. - L. 4° london, [1890].
Card ID: 311
STEAD (William Thomas). Peers or people? the House of Lords weighed in the balances and found wanting: an appeal to history. pp. viii. + 2E4. 8°. London, 1907.
Card ID: 312
DEPOi TOj STEAD (William Thomas). KIfYEEVA, afterwards NOVIKOVA (Olga). The M.P. for &.ssia: reminiscences & correspondence of 1iadame Olga Novikoff. Edited by c.T.Stead. London, 1909.
Card ID: 316
I L)Bc urnp STEAD (William Thomas). RUNCILLAN (James). Side lights: [essays.]. ..With... introduction by W.T. Stead, etc. London, 1893.
Card ID: 317
l-( -L L rcc1j STEAD (William Thomas). See: STEAD (Estelle Wilson). Ikj father, personal and spiritual reminiscences. [1918).
Card ID: 318
•!;1 4-1 - STEAD (William Thomas). See: WOOE*’t&t (Pardoe) and STEAD (Eateile Wilson). The Blue island ... Co!mnuDioated by W. T. Stead. Recorded by P. Woodman & E. Stead Eighth 1mressIon. ‘f1942 J.
Card ID: 319