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STARKEY Thomas a:an michael|k:a (michael) (5)
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ON, Michael
POLE, Reginald
No Author available
Author: STARKEY (Thomas)
fr1VUJ ct STARKEY (Thomas). .! C.s J.P. Nine historical letters of the reign of Henry VIII, written by Reginald Pole, Thomas Cromwell, Michael Throck— morton and Thomas Starkey, etc. London, printed for private circulation only, 1871.
Card ID: 643
Author: ON (Michael)
1’1 VL N TIIROcKMORT:ON (Michael). C., J.P. Nine historical letters of the reign of 1enry VIII, written by Reginald Pole, Thomas Cromwell, Michael Throckmorton and Thomas Starkey, etc. London, printed for private circulation only, 1871.
Card ID: 401
Author: CROMWELL (Thomas)
CROMWELL (Thomas), Earl of Essex. C., J.P. Nine historical letters of the reign of Henry VIII, written by Reginald role, Thomas Cromwell, Michael Throokmortdn and Thomas Starkey, etc. London, printed for private circulation only, 1871.
Card ID: 121
Author: POLE (Reginald)
1 rJLi :3 Co-k POLE (Reginald), Cardinal. C., J.P. Nine historical letters of the reign of Henry VIII, written by Reginald Pole, Thomas Cromwell, Michael Throcorton and Thomas Starkey, eto; London, printed for private circulation only, 1871.
Card ID: 14
Author: No Author available
fri Vt-N C., J.P. Nine historical letters of the reign of Henrr ‘1111, written by Reginald Pole, Thomas Cromwell, Michael Phrockznorton and Thou!a5 Starkey. Copied from the originals. {The editor’s introduction signed: J.P.C. i.e. J.P.Collier..’. j pp jj + 48. 40• London, printed for private circulation only, 1871.
Card ID: 147