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STANHOPE, Philip Henry
Author: STANHOPE (Philip Henry)
STANHOPE (Philip Henry), 5th Earl Starthope. The Dcljne of the last Stuarts: extracts from the despatches of British envoys to the Secretary of State. [Edited by Earl Starthope.] London, 1843. LONDON. 1111. Miscellaneous Institutions, Societies, etc.] Roxburghe Club. [Publications, no. 59.]
Card ID: 182
DEPosfToR STANHOPE (Philip Henry), 5j Earl Stanhoe. History of England, from the Peace of Utrecht to the Peace of Versailles, 1713—1785.. Fourth edition. 7 vols. 80. London, 1853, 1851, 1854. Vols. 1—4 only of the fourth edition, vols 5—6 are first and vol. 7 of the second.
Card ID: 187
MVRH Sta STANHOPE (Philip Henry), 5th Earl Statthope. Life of the Right Honourb1e william Pitt. 4 vole. Port1 London, 1970, 1861—62, Vol. 1 is a reprint of the third edition of 1867.
Card ID: 191
STANHOPE (Philip Henry), 5th. Earl St.anhope. See CHEVENING. List o portraits and busts in the principal rooms oI Chevening [the seat of Philip Henry Starthope, th. Earl Stanhopej July 18&t. London, 1861.
Card ID: 194
STANHOPE (Philip Henry), 5th Earl Stanhope. See ROMAN INSORIFPION. Roman inscription upon a marhie monument brought from Tarrgona, etc. [With an introduotory note by Lortazthope.3 London, 1864.
Card ID: 195
N FC STANHOPE (Philip Henry), th Earl Stànhope. SPARKS (J.) A Reply to the strictures of Lord lAahon and : others on the mode of editing the writings of Washington. Cambridge EIILiss.j, 1852. — [Another edition.) Also, a review of Lord Mahon’s History of the .Axnerican Revolution from the ‘North American Review’ for July 1852. London and Boston rraJl852
Card ID: 196