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STANHOPE Philip Dormer a:c philip|k:c(c) (11)



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    Author: STANHOPE (Philip Dormer)


    STANHOPE (Philip Dormer), 4th Earl of Chesterfield. LCoIlectlons. •J. Miscellaneous works, etc. [Continued.] The second edition. With an appendix, containing sixteen characters of great personages and letters.written by the same noble Earl. 4 vols. Portraits and frontispiece. [G.G.J 8°. London, 1779. Imperfect v,antin the portrait of Gertrud Marchioss of Halifax, in vol. 1.

    Card ID: 155

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    Author: STANHOPE (Philip Dormer)


    ?• — STANHOPE (Philip Dormer), 4th Earl of Chesterfield. Tllections.J Miscellaneous works, etc. See LONDON. [I1.] Philobiblon Society. Bibliographical and historical miscellanies. Vol.11. (Horace Walpo].e’s marginal notes, written in Dr.Maty’s Miscellaneous Works and Memoirs of the Earl of Chesterfield”.. .1777, etc.) london, 1867—68.

    Card ID: 157

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    Author: STANHOPE (Philip Dormer)


    • )cvSc (c I ] e- CA_ C STANHOPE (Philip Dormer) 4th Earl of Chesterfield. tLetters to hfs Son.J Letters to his son, by the Earl of Chesterfield, on the fine art of becoming a man oI’ the world and a gentleman. . .With topical headings and a special introduction by O.H.G.Leigh. (Univesai Classics Libray.) 2 vols. Portrait and .ates. 8°. New York and London, 1901.

    Card ID: 162

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    Author: STANHOPE (Philip Dormer)


    C t-Z STANHOPE (Philip Dormer), 1+th Earl of Chesterfield. LLetters to his Son. - Abridgments, Extracts1. etc.) The Fine gentleman’s etiquette; or, Lord Chesterfield’s advice to his son, versified by a lady. See STANHOPE (Philip D.), kth Earl of Chesterfield. [Letters to his Son. — Abridgments4 Extracts, a.] Two burlesques of Lord Chesterfield’s letters,..The Fine gentleman’s etiquette, 1776. Edited, with an introduction, by S.L. Gülick. Los Angeles, 1960.

    Card ID: 166

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    Author: STANHOPE (Philip Dormer)


    STANHOPE (Philip Dormer), 4th Earl of Chestefie1d. [Letters to the Duke of Newcastle.T Private corresoondence of Chesterfield and 1ewcastle, 144—46. Part I. Chesterfield at the Hague. Partil. Chesterfield at Dublin. Edited, with an introduction and notes, by Sir R.Lodge. London, 1930. See L0NDOL [IIi. Royal Ristorical Society. Camden series, 44.

    Card ID: 169

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    Author: STANHOPE (Philip Dormer)


    QiiI Li STANHOPE (Philip Dormer), 4t..hEa.rl of Chesterfield. [Miscellanea. — Economy of Human I,ife.J The Oeonony of human life...Translated from an Indian manuscript, etc. [Probably by the Earl of Chesterfield, but at first ascribed to ft. Dodsley.1 Bjik,:1796.. - ‘- ,3 (r -- -LInothe edition.] Lon1ori, 1825. ECOOY.

    Card ID: 171

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    Author: STANHOPE (Philip Dormer)


    STANHOPE (Philip Dormer), 4th Earl of Chesterfield. EMiscellanea-Economy of Human Life.] The Economy of human life, . [Probably by the Earl of Chesterfield but at first ascribed to Robert iDodsley.j Lon4o, 18o3. DODELEY (Robert).

    Card ID: 172

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    Author: STANHOPE (Philip Dormer)


    STANHOPE (Philip Dormer), Fourth Earl of Chesterfield. tMiscellsnea. :Econ,rny of Human 1iif.] The Economy of Human life. By R. Dodeley [Or rather Lord Gbesterfieldj. See ICASQN (J.), Nonconformist !inister. A Treatise on self-knowledge, London, ffeybridge printed, 1816. [A reprint.) London, 1822. ——[Another edition.) london, 1824.

    Card ID: 173

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    Author: STANHOPE (Philip Dormer)


    STANHOPE (Philip Dormer), 4ti Earl of Chesterfield. [Miscellanea. — The 1Vorld.] [For editions of The World, written by Lord Cjesterfje1d and others:1 WORLD.

    Card ID: 174

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    Author: STANHOPE (Philip Dormer)


    STANHOPE (Philip Dormer), 4th Earl of Chesterfield. - YAjix. j - ERNST (William), oseud. [i.e. William E. BROWNING.) Memoirs of the life of Philip Dormer, fourth Earl of Chesterfield, ç. TEFLlN LRARV London, 1893. REiCE ONLY L’1’ —[Another edition), Lord Chestertield.:. Orolier Society: London, [.. 1900).

    Card ID: 177

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    Author: STANHOPE (Philip Dormer)


    —: CR STANHOPE (Philip Dormer), 4th Earl of Chesterfield. [Appendix. i FlUME (David), he Histori. An Apology for the life and writings of D. Hune, with a par&Llel between him and the late Lord Dhesterfield, [By S.J. Pratt.] London, l777.

    Card ID: 179