
Search Term (count):

STALLYBRASS Oliver George Weatherhead a:a george|k:0778 (2)



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    Author: STALLYBRASS (Oliver George Weatherhead)


    STALLYBRASS (Oliver George Weatherhead). Edward Morgan Forsber: a checklist of his writings. C Typewritten bibliogxapby submitted in part requirement for the Diploma in Librarianship of the University of London in 1957.] (2) + ix. + 106 leaves. 40 1957.

    Card ID: 306

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    Author: STALLYBRASS (Oliver George Weatherhead)


    Aii FAR STALLYBRASS (Oliver George Weatherhead). See FARADAY (Michael). [Letters.) The Selected correspondence of Michael Faradsy... Edited on behalf of the Royal Institution of Great Britain by L.P. Williams, with the assistance of B. Fitzgerald & 0. Stali,ybrass. Cambridge, 1971.

    Card ID: 307