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SPOON John a:if john|k:in (john) (4)



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    Author: SPOON (John)


    erteis Library 67 ?1ITHEflSPOON (John). The Doruinionof providence over the passions of men: a sermon...The second edition, with e1ucidatira remarics. pp. 54. 8°. Phi1ade1hia printed, Glasgow re—printed, 1777.

    Card ID: 31

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    Author: RUSSELL (John Iobert)


    L q RUSSELL (John Iobert), 13th__ford. A Si1vcr—p1ate spoon: (an autobiography). (Third edLtion.) pp.x. + 46. Portraits an plates. 30 London, 1959. The tit1epae_s the author’s autograph.

    Card ID: 455

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    Author: Y (John)


    10 r GALSWORThY (John). The Works at John Galaworthy. Grove edition. [Continued.] 20. A Modern comedy. Vol. 2. The Silver spoon. Passers by. 1933. 21. A Moderricomedy. Vol. 3. Swan song. l93U. 22. On Forsyte ‘change. 1938. 23. Candelabra: selected essays and addresses. 1933. 214.. Maid in waiting. 1939. 25. Flowering wilderness. 1936. 26. Over the river. 1937. ESEE NEXT CARD.)

    Card ID: 9

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    Author: No Author available


    Th.L GALSWORTHY (John). The Silver spoon. pp. yjjj. + 323. 80. Lon4n, [1926). Part of “A modern coniedy”. 3I. 1’4i -‘i213 [Another copy.]

    Card ID: 85