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SPIERS leadore Henry Bowles spiers (leadore henry bowles) (1)
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SPIERS, leadore Henry Bowles
Author: SPIERS (leadore Henry Bowles)
338 Pan SPIERS (Leadore Henry Bowles). See PASCAL (B].aise). CTraitez de l’Equilibre des Liqueurs et de la Pesanteur do la Masse do l’Air. — English.) The Physical treatises of Pascal. The equilibrium of liquids and the weight of the mass of the air. Translated by I.H.B. and A.G.U Spiers £from the edition of F. Prier, together with the fragments and experimental records published by himJ. With introduction and notes by Frederick Berry. (With translations of excerpts from the mentioned writings of Stevin, Galileo and Torriceili.) New York, 1937.
Card ID: 424