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SPENCER Theodore a:j john|k:to (john) (5)
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SPENCER, Theodore
Author: SPENCER (Theodore)
YiP S7q SPENCER (Theodore). An Acre in the seed: [poems]. pp. 68. 8°f. Cambridge, Mass., 1949.
Card ID: 568
SPENCER (Theodore). R{x.c..4.. Death and Elizabethan tragedy: a study of convention and opinion in the Elizabethan drama. pp. xii. + (2) + 288. 8. Cambridge (Mass.], 1936.
Card ID: 569
i SPENCER (Theodore). Studies in metaphysical poetry...Two essays ([by] T.Spencer and M.Van Doren) and a bibliography (by T.pencer,- nith the assistance of E.Orr).. pp. (8) + 88. 80. New York, 1939.
Card ID: 570
MusiC Librry ltisic Library P70 For reference only SPENCER (Theodore). [Gramoohone Records.) E.E.Cummings. Robinson Jeffers, Theodore Spencer, John Crowe Ransom, reading their ovn poems. (Twentieth Century Poetry in English.) Library of Congress Recording Laboratory. Mono. P L5.
Card ID: 571
“P J85T 971 SPENCER (Theodore) - See JOYC! (Jsiaes Auust1ne Aloyaius). [Portrait of the Artist ez a Young Stephen Hero: pert of the first draft of ‘A Portrait of the ertist as a young nan’. Edited with an Introduction by Theodore Spencer. evi5ed edition with additional material end a foreword by John J. S1ocuin and Herbert Cehoon. St. !lbax, 1977.
Card ID: 573