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SPENCER George a:be george|k:0208 (7)
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CHURCHILL, George Charles Spencer
SCOTT, William George Spencer
SPENCER, Raymond George
Author: SPENCER (George)
SPENCER (George), MOULTON ANDCOMPANY, 1848—1948: a hundred years of rubber manufacture. pp. 55. Portra1,, Ii. 1sjxgtIoii 8°. Bradfrdon—Ay, 1948.
Card ID: 444
iN’ SPE SPENCER (George), MOULTON AND COMPANY, Limited, See PAYNE (Peter I.) Rubber and railways in the ninateenth century: a study of the Spencer Papers. Liverpool, 1961.
Card ID: 445
SPENCER (George). 3rd Duke of Mar1borouh. see MASKELYNE (M. H. N. Story). Cta1ogue of the Marlborougli gerns being a’ oolleotion of works in eameo and intaglio formed by George, third Duke of Marlborough, eto. iLond, 1875.]
Card ID: 446
SPENCER (George), Founder of Georpe Spencer and Co. See PAYNE (Peter L.) Rubber and railways in.the.nineteetb century: a study of the Spencer Papers. Liverpool, 1961.
Card ID: 447
Author: CHURCHILL (George Charles Spencer)
CHURCHILL (George Charles Spencer), &th. Duçe of Ma.iborough. The Breaking. up. of the land monopoly. LExtracted from, the Nineteenth century.) pp. 249—268. 8°. [Lppdon, 1881]. tloguec frog the captirA.
Card ID: 528
Author: SCOTT (William George Spencer)
SCOTT (William George Spencer), 5 Marauess of Nor thaipton. Report on some excavations in the Theban Necropolis during tie winter of 1898—9. By the Marquis of Northampton, W. Spiegelberg and P. E. Newberry. (Die aenigmatisahen Inschrften. Von K. Sethe.) pp. ix. ÷ 40 + (2) ÷ 12. Plat.and illustrations. [R.M.L. 4. don, 1908.
Author: SPENCER (Raymond George)
C&4ecr- SPENCER (Raymond George). Absorption of soft x-rays in gases. A dissertation subnitted to the...(LJniversity of Chicago) for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy [in 1932L..Re- printed from The Physical Review... Vol. 3B, No. 11, December 1, 1931. pp. l932-l937. Diagrams. chart and table. 8°. Ghioagp, [1932j.
Card ID: 552