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SPENCER Aubrey John a:aubrey john|k:to (john) (2)
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SPENCER, Aubrey John
Author: SPENCER (Aubrey John)
— A 1’ ï SPENCER (Aubrey John). The Agricultural Holdings Act, 1923. With explanatory notes and general forms; alBo tenant right valuations and compensation, arbitrations under the act, and customs of the country, and the statutory rules and regulations made by the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries under the act, and the county court rules and forms relating thereto...Eighth edition. pp. niv.+ 326. 0 8. London, l93l.
Card ID: 400
SPENCER (Aubrey John): Repor4-s by Mr., A, J. Spencer..,upon oert.ain seleoted district.s in the Counties of Dorset, Essex, Kent, Somerset, Surrey, Wilts and Worcester, withsuriry repärt p’efixec3. See ENGLAND. Departments of State and Official Bodies. Royal Commission on Labour. Royal Conuission on Labour, The Agricultural Labourer. Vol. 1. No.’ London, 1893.
Card ID: 401