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SPEIDELL John a:as john|k:to (john) (9)



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    Author: SPEIDELL (John)


    SPEIDELL (John). An Account of a table of logarithms published by J., and afterwards again in...1628...By J.Ivory. [With a reprint of the second table.) MASERES (i.) Scrlptores logarithmici, c. Vol. 6. pp. 713—759. London, 1807.

    Card ID: 244

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    Author: SPEIDELL (John)


    “J L5 •‘- j’I6, r SPEIDELL (John)b S. / 11. A Breefe treatise of sphrical1 triangles, wherein is handled the sixteene cases of a right angled triangle, being all extracted out of one diagram and reduced into theorems ...As also the twelue cases of an oblique sphrioall tringle...Whereunto is annexed a Geometricail Extraction formerly published by this author, . pp. (6) + 43 + (1). Plate and diagrams. [De M.] 4. London printed, 1627. Vanting the “Geometrical Etraction”. The British Museum entry for the complete _gj the publication_dates a_627l61Z. For editions of -- [See next card,]

    Card ID: 246

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    Author: SPEIDEL (John)


    SPEIDEL (John) See SPEIDELL (3.)

    Card ID: 240

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    Author: NAPIER (John)


    NAPIER (John), otMerchistoun. See SPEIDELL (J.) New logarithmes, the first inuention whereof was by the Honourable Lo: Iohn Nepair, Baron of Marchiston... The 2. inpressionW3. [London], 1620. -—The 5. inpression £i [Lndo], 1625. —— The 6. inpression J. [g.o], 1624. [Another impression.] The 6. inpression [iido, 1624.

    Card ID: 238

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    Author: No Author available


    [2. SPEIDELL (John). / A I3reefe treatise, [cQJith] [Another copy.] [- Bound inavolume_lettered: jde11 ‘New. —____ garithmes.L. .striang1e. ,[Another copy.J C1 M]’d,:ti . •J_;. _, • Pages wormeaten. With Boun4 in a voluttered: Speideil. New logaritbmes... Sphrica1l trianR)es. /[Another copy.] t3. i,L0te4Q Imperfect: wanting tae plate. - Bound in a Volurri lettered:_Speidell’s Mathematical_oxk.

    Card ID: 247

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    Author: No Author available


    ‘ 1’ 14. SPEIDELL (John). A Geometrical extraction, etc. iCoritinued.J lknother copy.] tDe Li Bound. inavolume lettered: Sidell1s Mathematical Lt A’) ‘& .. - - -The second edition, corrected ahd enlarged. pp. (6) + 126. Diagrams. [De IL.] 4°. London, 1657.

    Card ID: 250

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    Author: No Author available


    [ Li [sr’ .1 c’_i 2: SPEIDELL (John). I1n] Arithmeticail extraction; or, Collection of diuers questions, with their answers, most vsefull and necessary to all teachers of arithmeticke, for sufficient and speedy instruction of all such persons as desire to be made quicke and ready therein. Most carefully composed, col1eted, written, oue seene and corrected by the authour hiniselfe, I. Speidell. pp. (80). [De M.] 8. London printed, 1626. Closely cropped, part of the first word of the title pe and pa r__unnin. titles being cut away. With_MS. notes.

    Card ID: 245

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    Author: No Author available


    I\) Lc t: .i c 1r.II• SPEIDELL (John). Certaine verie necessarie and profitable tables, viz, a table of sines, tangents and secants, also a table of the right ascention of euerie degree of the eclipticke. A table pf the declination of the sunne, a table of the latitude of the moone...Whereunto is annexed two tables of the fixed stars, etc. pp. (16). [De M.J — 40, 1609.

    Card ID: 248

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    Author: No Author available


    D LC :• fTH, [i. SPEIDELL (John). A Geometricall extraction; or, a Compendiovs collection of the chefe and choyse problemes collected out of the best and latest writers. Wherevnto is added about 30. problemes of the authors inuention, being for the most part performed by a better and briefer way then by any former writer. pp. (6) + 126. Liagrams. [De it.) 40 jj01 printed, 1616. - [Another impression.] pp. (6) + 126. Th1.agrams 4. London printed, 1617. TDe Ml With MS. notes. [See next card.]

    Card ID: 249