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SOTHERAN Henry a:john john|k:to (john) (15)



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    Author: SOTHERAN (Henry)


    9b, SOTHERAN (Henry), t&. Annotated and classified catalogue of rare and standard works on astronomy, etc. [Continued.] Bound in a volume lettered: Sotheran’s Science Cata1ogues. 1Q25-1 3.

    Card ID: 488

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    Author: SOTHERAN (Henry)


    SjDltE6j SOTHERAN (Henry), Ltd. Annotated and classified catalogue of rare books on exact and applied science, including the Library of the late Professor Olaus Henrici and the more important portion of that of Gilberto Govi (1825-89) , etc. (Sotheran’ Price Curxext of Literature.. No. 773. Piccadilly Series. No. 56.) pp. 256. 8°. London, 1919. çataloed from the wrapper. Bound in a volume lettered: Sothera& Science ta1pgues._1d1_1OlQ.

    Card ID: 489

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    Author: SOTHERAN (Henry)


    rj SOTHERAN (Henry), 4. Annotated catalogue of works on chemistry, pure and applied, fl. (Sothexn’s Price Current of Literature. No. 657.) pp. 176. 8°. London, 1939. Catalogued from the wrapper. Bound in a volume lettered: Sotheran’s Science Cataiqgues. 193’fl—l941.

    Card ID: 494

  • card

    Author: SOTHERAN (Henry)


    Vic SOTHERAN (Henry), Ltd. Annotated catalogue of works on exact and applied science, (Sotheran’s Price Current of Literature. No. 86d.) pp. 120. 80. London, 1941. Cata1oed from the wrapper. Bound in a voiume lettereci: Sotheran’s Science Catalogues .i93—194l.

    Card ID: 496

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    Author: SOTHERAN (Henry)


    SOTHERAN (Henry), Annotated catalogue of works on exact science, (Sotheran’s Price Current of Literature. No. 851.T pp. 132. 8°. kondon, 1937. Catalogued from the iwapper. Bound_in a volume letteredi Sotheran’s Science Catalogues. 1934—1941.

    Card ID: 498

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    Author: SOTHERAN (Henry)


    01 SOTHERAN (Henry), kt4. BIbliotheca viatica: catalogue of an extensive collection of second—hand books on the road, the rail, the water, and the air, etc. (Sotherans Price Current of Literature. No. 772.) pj. 64. 8°. London, 1919. Catapjued fçp the wrapper. ouna inavoluine lettered: Sotheran’s Science CatalQgues. 1910—19.19.

    Card ID: 508

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    Author: SOTHERAN (Henry)


    (c3 SOTHERAN (Henry), Ltd. Catalogue of auograph letters of Rudyard Kipling first ed.tions of modern authors etc. (Qtcra&S Price Current of Literalure. T 833.) pp. 35. Facsimiles. 8°. London, [1932].

    Card ID: 509

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    Author: SOTHERAN (Henry)


    SOTHERAN (Henry), Ltd.. Booksellers. Catalogue of books in old morocco bindings, books with curious old woodouts or copperplate illustrations.. .engravings... and autograph letters, including the G5schen Collection. (No. 38.) pp. 74. Plates arid facsimiles. 80. London, 1913]. Catajoiued from the wrapper.

    Card ID: 511

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    Author: SOTHERAN (Henry)


    \iDD SOTHERAN (Henry), td. Catalogue of secon.d—hanci works on meteorology, geology, mineralogy, etc. With a supplement of rare and valuable works on mathematics, astronomy physics, and chemistry, etc. (Sotheran s Price Current of Literature. No. 37j5p. 124. cO o . Lonc.on, 1933. Catalogued from the caption. Bound iñ a volume Iitered: Sotherans Science CatalQgues. 192933.

    Card ID: 514

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    Author: SOTHERAN (Henry)


    r60 SOTHERAN (Henry), ltd. Catalogue of standard works on mathematics, pure and applied, including the Library of the late John Edward Campbell...and selections from that of Andrew Russell Forsyth, etc. (Sotheran’s Price Current of Literature. No. 72. 8°. London, 1925. Catulogued from the wrapper. Bound in a volume lettered: Sotheran?s Science Catalogues. 1925-1933.

    Card ID: 516

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    Author: SOTHERAN (Henry)


    SOTHERAN (Henry), i&. A Choice of books old and new: the Charles Dickens number, comprising first editions of his works, autograph letters by him and his circle. Also original drawings to Thackoray...books on Persia, and the Hardinge collection of Persian paintings, the new books of the month, English and French. (Sotheran’s Price Current of Literature. No. 22.) pp. 72. Plates and facsimiles. 8°. London, 1951.

    Card ID: 517

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    Author: SOTHERAN (Henry)


    E3oI’4 SOTHERAN (Henry), Ltd., Booksellers. Coronation number. Illustrated catalogue of magnificent Cosviay and jewelled bindings... extra—illustrated books, association volumes... the...Prescott Shakespeare collection, original drawings by Sir J.Tenniel, q. pp. 8o. Plates. no - o Loncion, 1911. Bound in a volume lettered: Illustrated Catalogues of Books, etc.

    Card ID: 519