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SOTHERAN Henry a:as john|k:to (john) (4)
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Author: SOTHERAN (Henry)
r60 SOTHERAN (Henry), ltd. Catalogue of standard works on mathematics, pure and applied, including the Library of the late John Edward Campbell...and selections from that of Andrew Russell Forsyth, etc. (Sotheran’s Price Current of Literature. No. 72. 8°. London, 1925. Catulogued from the wrapper. Bound in a volume lettered: Sotheran?s Science Catalogues. 1925-1933.
Card ID: 516
Author: TENNIEL ( John)
ccI oti TENNIEL ( John). SOTHERAN (Henry), LN., Booksel1er. Coronation number. Illustrated cata— logue of.. .bindings.. .books. original drawings by Sir J. Tenniel, etc. London, 1911.
Card ID: 464
Author: ISOTHERAN (Henry)
ISOTHERAN (Henry), Ltd. Annotated and classified catalogue of rare and standard works on astronomy, comprising chronology, geodesy, horology, dialling, and other collateral subjects, anjncluding the Library of the late John Louisjreyer. With an appendix of the works of Sir Isaac Newton, and his commentators, as well as a selection of works from his library, (Sotheran’s Price Current of Literature. N84.) pp. 240. 8°. London, 1927. tlogued_from the wrapper. [sEE NEXT CARD.]
Card ID: 487
Author: No Author available
isp c. SOTHERAN (Henry), Ltd. Annotated catalogue of works on physics, including also items on collateral sciences, and comprising the library of John Tyndall, etc. (Sotheran’s Price Current of Literatu, 873.) p. SS. 0 8 . London, 1944. Cat alogued from the wraper.
Card ID: 506