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SON Thomas a:on e|k:on (e) (7)



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    Author: SON (Thomas)


    b THOr4SON (Thomas), President of the Bnatyji Club. See JAMES \T., Icing ofSoot1and. Excerpta e libris doinicilii Jacobi Quinti Regis Scotorum,. [Editeo. by T. Thoason. Edinburgh, 1836.

    Card ID: 259

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    Author: MUDGE (Thomas)


    4g• MUDGE (Thomas) the Elder. A Description, with plates, of the tirne-i.eeper invented by...rhomas I1udge. To which is prefixed a. narrati’e by T. )Audge, his son, of measures taken to give effect to the invention since the reward bestowed upon it by the House of Commons in...1’793; a republication of a tract by..Jr. Mudge on the improvement of time-ceepers; aaid a series of letters written by him to...Count Bruhi, etc. (Phoughts,.on the means of improving watches: more particularly those for the use of the * sea.) pp. cli. + 176 + ix. [L.I.) 40• London, 1799.

    Card ID: 39

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    Author: No Author available


    - R. POREP.TON (Thomas William), the Elders See PEMBRTON (T. E.) Th’ Life and writings of P • Roh’r’t,son. T.ndon, 1893.

    Card ID: 649

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    Author: HUXLEY (Leonard)


    PR4 1i HUXLEY (Leonard). Life and letters of Thomas Henry Huxley. -By his son L. Huxley. 2 vols. Portraits. 8°. london, 1900. [Another copy.) [Another copy.] r,e{-;.j363Z —(Second edition.) (Evrileyeries.) /4 3 vols. Portraits. 80. London, 1913.

    Card ID: 113

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    Author: No Author available


    L. [)e(% THOMAS ( ). Objections faites [by — ThorasJ M. Deparcieux...sur son Livre des probbi1ités de la durée de la vie huinaine avec les réponses a ces objections. tA correspondence. I (Paris, 17+6?J See DEPARCIEtJX (Antoine), eE1der. Essai sur les probabilités de la dure de la vie humaine, .

    Card ID: 278

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    Author: No Author available


    ‘C )Cc.. [11oi &--. e__.fñ_r4.-_. - FLORENTIUS, Wigorniensis. Chronicon ex chronicis ab initlo mundi sque ad annum Domini 1118 deductuin, auctore Florentio Wigorniensimonacho. Accessit etiam continuatio vsq ad annum Christi 1141, per quendain eiusdem canobii eruditum. Nunquam antehac in lucein editum. [Edited by Lord W.Roward.) pp. (8) + 584. IL.I.) 4. T.Dawson for R.Wátkins: London, 159 The tit1epae•has. a woödcut border. Issued der_the editorship of William Eoward ofNaworth, third son of Thomas, Duke of Norfolk, who dedicated the work to Lord Burghley. The ti lepe bears the autograph [SEE NEXT CARD.)

    Card ID: 394

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    Author: No Author available


    Malcolm Morley 2 CollectiOci JNCR’S DR1iI1A. Loontinued.] 121 • S KS?Et1Z (william). The Tempest. [c. 1860.] 126. BR0UtHAM (John), Comedian, Dombey and son. {e.1860.] 133. BR0UGi (John), Comedian. David Copperfield. c.1S6O.] 154. C0OPR (James F.) The Wept of the wish—ton—wish. [c.iS6 I 76. DIBDIN (Thomas J.) The Heart of Mid—Lothian. [c. 1860,] 179, CAMlF (John !J.) The Bride of Latnmermoor. [c.1360,] 228. ALMAR (George). Oliver Twist. [c.1865.] 240. TAYLOR. (Tom) and REA.DF.. (Charles). Masks and faces, {c.’2 339. PaATT (William 11.) Ten nights in a bar—room. Lc.1860.J 349. ?ALG0NER (Edmund). Peep o’day. [c.1 360. 352. KATHLE. Kathleen Mavourneen. [e.1860. 359. DALY (Augustin). ‘Frou Frou’. [187O? 365. OtF0RD (Joim). The Two orphans. [c.i875.] E SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 266