
Search Term (count):

SON Sir George george (george) (9)



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    Author: SON (George)


    & 3 fH- NJj HUGI, of Eglynio, See NEIrSON (George). tHuchown of the Awle Ryaler, the alliterative poet: a historical criticism of fourteenth century poems ascribed to Sir Hew of Eglintoun... 1902.

    Card ID: 533

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    Author: SON (Sir George)


    NB3 S im SThSON (Sir George). Fur trade and empire: George Siipsonts Journa]. entitled ‘Remarks connected with the fur trade i the course of a voyage from York Factory to Fort George and back to York Factory, i82i- 25’, titi related documents. Revised edition. Edited with a new introduction by F.Merk. pp. lxii, 370. Map. Cambridge, Mass., 1968.

    Card ID: 489

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    Author: SON (Sir Joseph John) and (George Paget)


    Sir THOLiSON (Sir Joseph John) and (George Paget). 1% Conduction of electricity through gases... Whird edition 2 vole. Plates and figures. Cunibridge, l928-3. 1. General properties of ions. Ionistion by heat and light. 2. lonisation by collision and the gaseous discharge.

    Card ID: 178

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    Author: ING (Sir George)


    WL1- FLE!ING (Sir George), Bart., Bishop of Carlisle. The Letters of Bishop Sir George Fleming to his son-in—law Humphrey Senhouse durinç the Forty-five. See CUMBLAND. [Official Institutions. County Council. Flerriing—Senhouse papers. Edited by E.Hughes. pp. 8-99. Carlisle, 1961.

    Card ID: 152

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    Author: WYAT (George)


    L,S N4iU, WYAT (George). The Papers of GeDrge Wyatt Esquire of Boxley Abbey n the county of Int, son nd heir of Sir Thons Wyatt the Younger. Edited... by D.. Loades. 8°. London, 1968. See LONION. [III.] Ryai !iistorical Society. Camden fourth series? 5.

    Card ID: 322

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    Author: ROBERTSON (George Croorn)


    ROBERTSON (George Croorn), [A Review of] the English works of P.Uobbos, collected and. edited. by Sir W.Molesworth, etc. LB G. C.Robert son.] ELondon, 186?.] HOBBES (T.) LAppendix.]

    Card ID: 483

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    Author: No Author available


    Fc. DOUGLAS (Archibald James Edward), Baron Douglas. A. J. E. Stewart, alias Douglas, under the assumed character of son of Lady Jane Douglas, Appellant...George James, Duke of Hamilton and Brandon, etc. and Lord Douglas Hamilton, and thQ ir guaian, Sir Hew Da1rymile, etc., Respondents. Case of the Respondents. pp. (4) + 119 .- (i) + iii. [L. I.] fol. LEdiriburg? 1765?]

    Card ID: 266

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    Author: No Author available


    P 1?. LC’fi. - 2. f RODG SON (John Edmund). g LONDON. (III. Miscellaneous Institutions, societies, etc.] Newcomen Society for the Study of the History of gineeri and Technology. Extra publications. 3. Aeronautical and misceilaneous notebook of Sir George Cayley, fl. [Edited, with an introuôtion,by J.E.Hodgson.] Cambridgg, 1933.

    Card ID: 424

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    Author: No Author available


    i3 Co.w Reference only IDIWON. [Iii.) Royal Historical Society. Canden fourth series. 5. The Papers of George Wyatt Quire of Boxley Abbey in the cowity of Font, son and heir of Sir Thonas Wyatt the Younger. Edited... zy U.M. Loades. pp. x±, 2b1. Bibliography, tap and genealogIcal table. 8°. London, 1968.

    Card ID: 362