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SON Henry Koville a:p •|k:p (will) (1)
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SON, Henry Koville
Author: SON (Henry Koville)
HUTOHIt!SON (Henry Koville). The Living races of naniind: a popular illustrated accmmt of the custors, habits, pursuits, feasts & cercior1ies of the races of mn3cind throughout the world. !3y H. U. Sutchinson, J. Vi. Cregory, P.. Lydekker’, assIsted by.eminent, soeclalists. 2 vols. C 4 . London, [1900.1 —[Second edition.] By eminent specialists, incluJlng Sir H.Johnston, R.Lyddeker, A.H. Keane, H.N.Hutehinson, A.H.S.tandor, LW. Shufeldt (and) Professor Longford...With... illustrations and., .plates. •2—vols.- Maps. 4. London, (1905-06].
Card ID: 81