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SON Arthur a:by arthur|k:0357 (8)
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SON, Arthur
SON, Arthur Roland
NAPIER, Arthur Samp son
SON, Arthur MaZston
SON, Sir John Arthur
SON, ohn Arthur
SON, Arthur Tandy
SON, Sir John Arthur and GEDDES, Sir Patrick
Author: SON (Arthur)
tomu SON (Arthur). Exhibition of Japanese screens painted by ‘the old masters...Illustrated catalogue with notes and an introduction by A. lAorrison. London, 1912. See LONDON. [III. Miscellaneous Societies, Institutions, J Royal Society of British Artists.
Card ID: 15
Author: SON (Arthur Roland)
L_s 1ADDtSON (Arthur Roland). See LONDON. [iii. lileoe11aeoij Institutions oeiet1, ete.) Hariejan Sooi-, ub1ioetion. ________ 50f, 51g. 52, 55. Linoolnsbire pedigrees. edited by..,A.R. Maddison. 1902-6.
Card ID: 90
Author: NAPIER (Arthur Samp son)
‘N r7 NAPIER (Arthur Samp son). gomilist, - WtJLFSTAN, successively Bishop of Worcester and Arhbishpp of York. WuLCstan: Sainmiung der ihm zugeschrieb- enen Hozniljen, nebst Untersuchungen tiber ihre Echtheit. 1erausgegeben von A. Napier. Ber1ir, 1883.
Card ID: 201
Author: SON (Arthur MaZston)
STIBI!SON (Arthur MaZston). The Friedmann treatment for tuberoulosis: a report of the Board appointed for its Investigation. By J. F. Anderson and A. !I. Sti!nson. shgt 1914. , UNITED STATES OF A1.&ERIOA. Departnnts of State and Of fioia]. Bodies. Treasury De— artment. Pubilo Health anjñE-Hosa1Servioe. ygIenio Laboratory. [Bulletin. No. LT
Card ID: 87
Author: SON (Sir John Arthur)
DEPOSITORY PHOlSON (Sir John Arthur). Everyday biology. [with a bibliography.] (People’s Library.) pp. 192. 8°. London and Toronto, t1923].
Card ID: 122
Author: SON (ohn Arthur)
DEi’OS1T THO1SON (ohn Arthur). Heredity. (Pirt edition, Ileprinted.) [With a bibliography.] (The Soipoe Sere,) pp. xvi. + 605. IL.W.L. 8°, —- Fourt.h edition. [With a bib1iogapby.] pp.. xvi. + 827. 0 8 . 1920.
Card ID: 125
Author: SON (Arthur Tandy)
€ WILLIA11SON (Arthur Tandy). Adsorption and reactions at the surface of manganous compounds. A dissertation presented to...Princeton University...f or the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. pp. 15. Chart and tables. 8°. Easton, 1931.
Card ID: 150
Author: SON (Sir John Arthur) and GEDDES (Sir Patrick)
DEPOSITOar THcSON (Sir John Arthur) and GEDDES (Sir Patrick). Life outlines of general bLology. [With a bibliography.] 2 vols. Frontispiece and diagrams. 8°. London, 1931. The oagination is continuous throughout the two volumes.
Card ID: 151