No Author available
PARKINSON (John), Apothecary.
Paradisi in sole, paradisus terrestris; (or, a Garden of all sorts of pleasant flowers... with a kitchen garden. . .and an orchard) Faithfully reprinted from the edition of 1629. pp. (16) + 612 + 16. Portrait, illustrations and facsimile titlepace.
fol. London, 1904.
Card ID:
No Author available
Canton Shorthand [c.s.c.J l74l [England -
Cciection Parliament] fol.
Paicrence only
BYROM (John), Feflov of Trinity Co11ee, Carnbrige. See ENGLAND. Parliament. Bills. Chronological Series.
[17b1. March 22.] An Act for securing to John Byronz, Master of Arts, the sole right of publishing for a certain term of years, the art and method of short-hand, invented by him.
fol. [London, 171+1.]
Card ID:
No Author available
Canton Shorthani [C.SC.J 17142 [England — Laws) fol. Collection
Reference only
BYROM (John), Fellow of Trinity College, Caznridge.
See ENGLAND. [Laws and Statutes. Chronological Series. -
George XI.] -
(15 Ceo. II c.23.] An Act for securing to John Byrom, I4aster of Arts, the sole right of publishing, for a certain term of years, the art and method of short-haM, invented by him.
fol. London, 17112.
Card ID:
No Author available
CarItonS1orthafl [c.s.c.] l712 (England - Laws] fri. Referencc only
ENGLAND. [Laws and Statutes Chronological Series. - George II.]
(15 Geo. II c.23.) An Act for securing to John Byrom, lster of Arts, the sole right of publishing, for a certain term of years, the art and method of short-hand, invented by him.
pp. (a).
fol. London, l72.
Catalogued from the caption. Part of a collection.
Card ID:
No Author available
Canton Shorthand [5.) l7l (ElaM
Collection parliament) fol.
Reference cnly
ENGLAND. Parliament. Bifla • Chronological Series.
[17Zl. March 22.) An Act for securing to John Byrom, Master of Arts, the sole right of publishing for a certain term of years, the art and method of short-hand, invented by him. pp. 3.
fol. (London, 171i.l.]
Catalogued from the caption.
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