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SO Robert on (robert) (38)



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    Author: SO (Robert)


    sq3’ PHOhtSO (Robert), mD., University of Chicago. A Study of the nickel intrusive, Sudbiry, Ontario; a dissertation submitted...for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (University of Chicago).. .1935.. .Rerintoö. from Pan- American Geologist, Vol. LXIII., May, 1935, American Journal of Science, Vol. XXX., October, 1935, Journal of Geology, Vol. Xliii. Io. 4, May-June, 1935. 3 parts in 1 vol. illustrations, maps, diag’ams, charts and. tab]. es. 8°. Chiogç, 1935.

    Card ID: 210

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    Author: MIJRDY (Robert)


    V 6cJ4 McMIJRDY (Robert). The Enforcement0 of law. pp. 30. SO. [Chicago, 1914).

    Card ID: 557

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    Author: NARES (Robert)


    YAr N - NARES (Robert). Elements of orthoepy: containing a distinct view of the whole nalogy of the English language; so far as it relates to pronunciation accent and quantity. pp. xxvi. + 372 + Ij.1.f). 8°. London, 1781+.

    Card ID: 96

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    Author: DODSLEY (Robert)


    DODSLEY (Robert). I A Select.’ collection of old ols, eta.. [CONTINUED.] see’ BRIIcK (Bernhard ten) and SCHERER (Wilhelm). Quellen und Forschungen, etc. So. Quellen des weitlichen Dramas in England vor Shakespeare: em Erganzungsband zu Dodsley’S Old English plays. Herausgegeben von A. Brandi. Strassburg, 1898.

    Card ID: 24

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    Author: ADAMSON (Margot Robert)


    ()‘3 ADAMSON (Margot Robert). The’ Forester’s wife...With a preface by Sir A.Quiller-Couch. pp. viii. + 11ff. SO. Londor and Toronto, 1931.

    Card ID: 388

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    Author: BINYON (Robert Laurence)


    t’1L F’)ti-c BINYON (Robert Laurence). MAINE (B.) Receive it so...With a preface by L. Binyon. London, 1926.

    Card ID: 486

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    Author: WANGEEUIEE (Robert)


    () C4LJ Th2 WANGEEUIEE (Robert). François—Joseph Fétis: musicologue et coiripositeur. Contribution a 1 ‘étude du go1t musical au XIXe siècle. [With a bibliography.) (A.adémie Royale de Bel’jaue. Classes des Beaux—Arts. ?énioires. Cofloction in—S. Deuxièiue série, one VI, 4.) pp. 355. Portrait. SO. Brussels, 1951. Catalogued from the wraDper.

    Card ID: 74

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    Author: GLEIG (George Robert)


    ft GLEIG (George Robert). -j Memoirs of the life of the Right Hon. Warren Hastings, first Governor—General of Bengal. Compiled from original papers. 3 vols. Portraits. SO. Londo, 1841.

    Card ID: 83

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    Author: GOODSIR (Robert Anstruiher)


    GOODSIR (Robert Anstruiher). An Arotio voyage to Baf fin’ s Baby and Lancaster Sornd, in search of friends with Sir John Franklin. pp. riii. ÷ 352. FronUs ieee 1dedma), SO London 1850.

    Card ID: 261

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    Author: RAINES (Francis Robert)


    RAINES (Francis Robert). MANCHESTER. haii, So c ietyE. Remains, ç.. 81. The Visitation of the County Palatine of Lancaster, made in the year 1567, by ‘11Iilliam Flower. Edited by F.R.Raines. (Manchester], 1870.

    Card ID: 323

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    Author: GAGUIN (Robert)


    2 GAGUIN (Robert). L.a Merdes ehroniques[COVPIN1JIIOJ:— ig. a—z,4. in sixea, c1 an c2 beiU a u ioae leaf, 0’ i also ciupliested and 06 nIeing. Contains a full—page iioodout,,3 gnealogieaZ tablos, one of rbioh is £oldcd,.an1 uood.out in.tisla. The title—page, printed in redand black, baa been torn and repaired in tbi copy. [Another copy.] ER.S.] Inoonpletc; iianting leaves C’ P1, P5, R1, R, S16, and the fol-. dod genealogical tab’e. This oopy forrly belonged to the library of Thosas Heard,:2nd .arl of Arundel, and appears 7) In tho cateloue, pub— lielied j 1661, of be,ka from that library whiob were presented to the Ioyal Socioty by Henry Bosard, 6th Duke of Norfolk, in 67. The title-pages of these two •copies have been exchaed so that the L.I. copy now has the p.S. title-page, and vice versa.

    Card ID: 402

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    Author: ECKERT (Robert Paul)


    STEFLING L!ruy [T REFEflEcE ONLy ECKERT (Robert Paul). These things the poets said. [Poems written in appreciation ‘of Philip Edward Thomas. Edited by R.P.Eckert.3 pp. (4), iii, (1), 31 (3). ‘So. Pear Tree Press: [Bognor Regi S 1935. No. 44 of 150 copies printed.

    Card ID: 407