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SMITH William Albert it (william) (3)
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SMITH, William Albert
HARP, Albert Bushnell
Author: SMITH (William Albert)
H [S-?reshwaterj SMITH (William Albert). See AMBLESIDE Freshwater Biological Association. Scientific publication 16. A Key to the British freshwater cyclopid and calañoid copepods, with ecologiôàl notes. By J.P. Harding and WA. Smith.. .Secoñd edition. Ambleside, 1971.
Card ID: 454
Author: LANGLAND (William)
C’ 3 [LL L- - — LANGLAND (William). See SMITH (Albert H.) Piers Plowman and the pursuit of poetry, etc. London, 1951.
Card ID: 607
Author: HARP (Albert Bushnell)
NEA Har HARP (Albert Bushnell). The American nation, etc. [Continued.] 15. Jacksonian democracy, 1829—1837. By William MacDonald. [1906.] 16. Slavery and abolition, 1851—1841. By Albert Bushnell Hart. [1906.] 17. Westwqe extension, 1841—1850. By George Pierce ariior: [1916.] 18. Parties and slavery, 1850—1859. By Theodore Clarke Smith. [1906.] [Another copy.] 19. Causes of the Civil War, 1859-1861. By French Ensor Chadwick. [1906.J 20. The American Civil War... The appeal to arms, 1861—1863. (By 11 Jlosmer.) [1915.] OSEE NEXT CARD.]
Card ID: 134