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SMITH, Sir Thomas
Author: SMITH (Sir Thomas)
7 c SMITH (Sir Thomas), Secretary ‘f State. [Dc Republie Anglorurn.] The Common-wealth of England, and manner of gouernment thereof. Compiled by the honourable Sir Thomas Smith, 1iight, Doctor of both lawes, & one..of the principall secretaries vnto two most worthy princes, King Edward & Queene Elizabeth. With new additions of the chiefe courts in England and the offices thereof...Also a table added thereto, of all the principall matters contained in this treatise. pp. (8) + lL.8 [or rather iLiOJ. {a.G.] j40• printed by l.Ioberts for G.Seton: London 1601. The numbers 17—2L1. ar from the pgation dpp. 105—112 ar gjy numbered 119-26, I See next card.]
Card ID: 301
Elzevir 1625/6 SMITH (Sir Thomas), Secretary of State. Thowae Smnithi .Angli de Republica. Anglorum libri tres. Item varii aliorum discursus politici de regno .Angliae eiusque administraUone. pp. 239. 24°. 1625. The title—page ipgraved. Elzevir 1625/7 - Second edition. pp. 239. 24°. , 1625. IL final page has been added besring the license to print and the c1tef4ay ith 1626.
Card ID: 303
M \i SMITH (Sir Thomas), Secretary of State. See STRYPE (J.) The Life of. • .Sir Thomas Smith, etc. Oxford, 1820.
Card ID: 308