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SMITH Sir David Stanley a:a david|k:on (david) (4)



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    Author: SMITH (Sir David Stanley)


    c 222 SMITH (Sir David Stanley). Sir James Right. Agricultural education. Student “oappihg’ productions. What central control of university education in New Zealand should there be? An address to the Senate of the University of New Zealand at... Dunedin on...5th August 1958 by the Hon. Sir David Smith, Chancellor of the Univeroity. pp. 23. Tables. 8. [Iellington, 1958]. Catalogued from the wrper.

    Card ID: 231

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    Author: SMITH (Sir David Stanley)


    q SMITH (Sir David Stanley) The External examiner. The degree in agriculture. The University and the post—primary schools. University education arid specialization. An address to the Senate of the University of New lealand, LCiristchurch_N.Z., 1955). NVi ZEALAND. University of Ne’.r Zealand,

    Card ID: 228

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    Author: No Author available


    NEW ZEALAND. University of New Zealand. Sèè SMITH (Sir David Stanley). The Recent past, agricultural education, international educational communication; university education for three classes of persons; the end of the University of New lealand: an address to the Senate of the Uni— versity of New Zealand...23rd August, 1961, CChristcburch printed, 1961.]

    Card ID: 579

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    Author: No Author available


    3S!.J (?.(.,) SMITH (Sir David Stanley). The Recent past, agricultural education, international educational communication; university education for three classes of persons, the end of the University of New Zealand: an address to the Senate of the University of New Zealand,,,25rd August, 1961, etc. pp. 28. Tables. 8°. CChristchurch printed, 1961].

    Card ID: 230