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SMITH Seymour a:p will|k:p (will) (4)
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SMITH, Seymour
SMITH, Frank Seymour
SMITH, Martin Roger Seymour—
Author: SMITH (Seymour)
SMITH (Seymour). !2. SMITH (P. s.)
Card ID: 180
Author: SMITH (Frank Seymour)
SMITH (Frank Seymour). The Best books of the war: a list of books pub1ihed between 1939 and 1945. [Compiled by F.S.S., i.e. F. Seymour Smith.] [London), printed for private circulation, 1947. SMITH (W.Ff.) AND SON, Limt.
Card ID: 369
Author: SMITH (Martin Roger Seymour—)
?UE Smi SMITH (Martin Roger Seymour—). Fallen women: a sceptical enquiry into the treatment of prostitutes, their clients and their plinps, in literature. (The Natural His tojof Soc ie.) pp. l3iates. London, 1969,
Card ID: 478
SMITH (Martin Roger Seymour—). [Poems.] [Oxford, 1952.) See OXFORD. Univrsity of Oxford. Oxford Universit.y Poetry Society. The Fantasy Poets, 10.
Card ID: 479