
Search Term (count):

SMITH Robert Metcalf a:smith robert|k:0823 (3)



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    Author: SMITH (Robert Metcalf)


    SMITH (Robert Metcalf). Froissart and the Elisb chronicle play. [With a bibliography.] (Columbia University Studies in English and Oomparative terature.) pp. xiii. + 165. 8°. York, 1915.

    Card ID: 127

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    Author: SMITH (Robert Metcalf)


    ( SMITH (Robert Metcalf). ‘ The Shakespeare folios and the forgeries of Shakespeare’s handwriting in the Lucy Packer Lindernian MemorIal Library of Lehigh University. With a list of original folios in American libraries. By R.M. &nith, with the assistance of H.S. Leach. (LehgUniversItyPub1ications, Vol. 1, no.2.) pp. 47. FacsirniI. 8°. nnyLvania, 1927.

    Card ID: 128

  • card

    Author: SMITH (Robert Metcalf)


    \/f SMITH (Robert Metcalf). The Shelley legend. By R.M.Smith in collaboration with M.M.Schlegel, P.G.Ehrsam and L.A. :ijaters. [With a bib1iorapby of privately printed Shelley items.] pp. vii. .+ 54. Frontispiece and facsimiles. 8°. New York, 194.

    Card ID: 129