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SMITH John Thomas to (john) (22)



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    Author: SMITH (John Thomas)


    SMITH (John Thomas), Keeper of the Prints in the British Museum. The Streets of London. See supra: An Antiquarian ramble in the streets of London.

    Card ID: 332

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    Author: SMITH (John Thomas)


    C-’ A SMITH (John Thomas), Keeper of the rints in the ritisi Museum. Antiquities of Westminster the Old Palace, St. Stephens Chapel (now the Rouse of Commons>, &c, &c, containing two hundred and forty—six engravings of topographical objects, (Sixty—two s.dditiorzai plates, — Mr. J.T. Smith’s vindication: being an answer to a T.S.Hawkins, concerning Mr. conduct to Mr. H. in relation to the “Antiquities of Westminster”.) 2 vols. in 1. 4°. ndon, 1807[—09]. Hawkins was part_ithor_o the text.

    Card ID: 331

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    Author: SMITH (John Thomas)


    f SMITH (John Thomas), Keeper of the Prins in the British MUseum Ancient topography of London; containing not only views of buildings, which in many instances no longer exist,- and for the most part werG never before published; but some account of places- and customs either unimown, or overlooked by the London historians. pp; (6) + 82. Plates and 1lustrations. {P.M.L.} 4°. London, 1815. With a second,engraved, tit1pa, dated 1810.

    Card ID: 329

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    Author: SMITH (John Thomas)


    - ‘(-rJ “/‘i I SMITH (John Thomas), Keeper of the Prints in the Britist •Museu. Vagabondiana; or, Anecdotes of mendicant wanderers through. the streets of London; with portraits of the most remrkab1e drawn from the life by J.T.Smith. pp. viii. + 52 + 48 plates. fllus— trations. [P.M.L.J 4°, London, 1817. With a secon, engraved, titleage, datç4_8l. Bound with J.T.Smith: Ancient toography of London,I85

    Card ID: 333

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    Author: BOSWELL (John Thomas Irwine)


    —, ,_, , fS - SYE, afterwards BOSWELL (John Thomas Irwine). English botany or, Coloured figures of British plants. Edited by J.T.B.Syme. The popular portion by Mrs. Laiester. The figures by J.Sowerby, J. de C.Sowerby, J.W.Salter and J.E.Sowerby. Third edition [of Sir J.E. Smith’ S “English botany”]. Enlarged.. .and entirely the editor. (Vol. 12. With descriptions by J.T.Boswell and N.E.Brown. The figures by W.H.Fitch, NE.Brown, and J.E.Sowerby) 12 vols. 8°. London, 1863—99.

    Card ID: 18

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    Author: BLACKER (John Gruiam Carlos)


    - BLACKER (John Gruiam Carlos). See SMITH (Thomas E.) and BLACKER (John C.C.) Population characteristics of the Commonwealth countries of tropical Africa. London, 1963.

    Card ID: 351

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    Author: SECCOMBE (Thomas)


    NNBS Smi SECCOMBE (Thomas). SMITH (J.), Governor of Virginia. Travels and works of Captain John Smith ...1580—1631. Edited by E.Arber. A new edition, etc. [With a bibliography by T.Seccombe.] Edinburgh, 1910.

    Card ID: 90

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    Author: WATSON (Thomas)


    XtT W33G WATSON (Thomas), Bishop of LincoJii. [Absalom. - Latin and English.J A Humanist’s trew imitation’: Thomas Watson’s “Absalom”. [A play in five acts and in verse.] A critical edition and translation [by] J.H. Smith. (Illinois Studies in nguige end Literature. 52.) pp. (10) + 293. Bibliography and facsimiles. 8°. urbane. 196k. Formerly attrIbuted to John Biho of Ossory.

    Card ID: 323

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    Author: ALICEN (Henry Thomas)


    STErL1!G USPhRY a1CE OlILY ALICEN (Henry Thomas). See SURTEES (Robert Smith). Jorrooka’s jaunts and jollities; being the...exploits of that renowned sporting citizen, Mr. John Jorrocks...[By R.S.Surtees.] With...coloured illustrations by H.Alken. R.Aokermann: London, 1843.

    Card ID: 444

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    Author: CHAWAN (Thomai)


    cj-, CHAWAN (Thomai), D.D. See CAKBRIDGE. University of Cambridge. EAppendix.] A Letter to the author [Thomas Chapman] of a further inquiry into the right of appeal from the Chancellor or Vicechancellor of the University of Cambridge in matters of discipline. [By John Smith.) London, 1752.

    Card ID: 477

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    Author: No Author available


    v.c — SMITH (John Harrington). See AUGUTAN REPRIN] SOCIETY. Publications. 25. Thomas Baker. The Fine lady’s airs. (1709). WIth an introduction by T.H.Smith. Los Ane1es, 1950.

    Card ID: 301

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    Author: No Author available


    1 a BIBLE. CBic1is)tl6n.J The Holy Bible, its.. [Continued.] Bedwel].; 1 Chronicles — Ecciesiastes at Cambridge by Edward Lively, John Richardson afterwards Master of Trinity-College, Laurence Chaderton, Francis flillingham, Thomas Harrison Vice—Master of Trinity College, Roger Mjdrewes, Robert Spalding, Andrew Byng; Isaiah — Malachi At Oxford by John Harding, John Rainolds, Thomas Holland, Richard iCilby, Miles Smith afterwards Bishop of Gloucester, Richard Brett, Richard Fairciough; Matthew — Acts and Revelation at Oxford by John PerinThomas Ravis, Bishop of London, Georg Archbishop of [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 243